Chains Of Love-Chapter Five

Feb 05, 2010 11:57  -Chapter One  -Chapter Two -Chapter Three -Chapter Four

Title: Chains of Love- Chapter Five

Author: Me, ColdHardHeart
Pairings: FEMALE! J/P, FEMALE! G/R- in this chapter. :D 
Rating: PG For now- rating will probably climb up to a STRONG PG-13
Warnings: fab four are girls in this fic, if you don't like girl/girl relationships-don't read, and don't write nasty comments about it to me. Also, A.U., modern-day warning. MAYBE OOC For P! 
Time-Frame- Autumn, modern-day
Summary: Georgina Harrison and Pauline McCartney are just normal girls, trying to survive teenagerhood and trying to figure out who they are.  What happens when a wild-spirited woman named Johnelle Lennon and a dancer with sad eyes by the name of Rachie Starkey enter the two girls' lives?Disclaimer: I don't own the Beatles, and I think even if I did, they'd be very offended that they all are chicks in this multi-chapter fanfiction...  

Pretty sappy and fluffy, so enjoy if you're into that stuff!

Chapter Five- There’s Nothing I’d Rather Do

The November wind ruffled its way through the multi-colored trees, and caressed both girls’ hairs as they idly walked by.

The smaller female adjusted her white crochet hat, and then smiled up at her taller companion, her deep blue eyes twinkling.

The lanky teenager next to her returned the grin, shivering as the chilly breeze made its way through her dark hair and across the back of her long neck.

“Hey, Georgina…” The smaller brunette’s voice was soft as her gloved hands fluttered to her neck and started to unravel the cream-colored scarf.  “You look cold.”

Georgina’s eyes watched Rachie as the girl handed the scarf to her, not really comprehending why the other female was now scarf-less.

“N-No, I-I’m fine…” Georgina cursed herself for stuttering; she wasn’t exactly convinced said stutter was from the brisk weather.  She unconsciously crossed her arms, tucking her hands underneath her armpits tightly, mentally cursing herself for leaving her demin jacket at the café.

Rachie gently flashed a smile at the teenager, leaning over.

Georgina blinked as Rachie’s gloved hands wrapped the crocheted fabric around her neck, blanketing the other girl in a small amount of warmth.

“You’re a liar, y’know…” The blue-eyed girl’s voice was teasing as she rested her left hand on Georgina’s shoulder.  “You are cold. I see goosepimples on your neck.”

Georgina laughed.

“Well, you caught me.”  The tall teenager drawled out, tugging at Rachie’s scarf, but Rachie’s hand thumped her bent arm as the other female shot her a disapproving look.

“Keep it on, I don’t want you to get a cold!”

Georgina laughed, but dropped her hand.

“Fine, fine… Thanks, though.” The shaggy-haired brunette murmured out as they turned a corner, and headed down a quiet residential street.

“Hey, you saved my life, I still owe you a lot.”  Rachie said as she eyed her new friend kindly. She swayed on her feet once, and then tilted her head in what Georgina deemed a cute way.  “So, Georgina, tell me about your life.”

Georgina grinned, pushing some of her thick bangs out of her eyes.  Rachie laughed as the dark hairs stubbornly flew back into their places in front of Georgina’s chocolate-brown eyes.

“Well, I’m just a normal teenager who likes music.”

Rachie grinned.

“Yeah? What kind of music?”

“Eh, would you think me weird if I said that I like lots of Oldies?”

Rachie giggled.

“Nah, I’d say you have good taste!”

Georgina smiled, looking down at the other girl.

“Yeah?  Do you play music, or do ye just dance in the streets?”

Rachie blushed, but laughed again.

“Well, I like to dance, and I like to play the drums.”

“So you’re a foot-tapping drummer?” Georgina asked.

Rachie beamed, and tapped out a little tune with her feet, her brunette hair swishing as she moved.

“How’s that for an answer?”  The girl asked, and Georgina nodded, chuckling as they both continued ambling their way down the street.

“That’s a good answer!” Georgina replied.

“Do you play music?”

Georgina bobbed her head.


“You do kind of look like you play music… You know what?” Rachie tilted her head, looking at Georgina. “You look like you play guitar.”

“You’re a good guesser.” Georgina revealed, grinning at Rachie again.

“Thank you, but your hands gave you away.”

Georgina raised an eyebrow, trying and failing to resist the urge to look at her hands.


Rachie nodded, pointing at Georgina’s fingers.

“Yeah, they’re all callused.”

Georgina just hummed.

“Huh, never really noticed.”

“I’ll bet. You probably really love playing.”

Georgina shrugged.

“Yeah, yeah, I do.”

Rachie grinned at Georgina, and then giggled.

“I’m glad you do. There’s not enough musicians in the world.”

Georgina cocked an eyebrow at the brunette next to her.

“What do you mean; there’s a lot of-”

Rachie held up a gloved hand.

“I meant in the real world.”

Georgina nodded, understanding what Rachie meant now.

“Yeah, yeah, that’s true.”

Rachie smiled as she reached into her coat pocket.

“Yeah, what we really need the most in the world is music and love… Oh, and food; food’s always good.”

Georgina laughed, and then opened her mouth to reply, but she was interrupted by a ringing sound that emitted from the back pocket of her frayed jeans. She flashed an apologetic grin at Rachie, who just smiled back and motioned that it was all right.

Georgina plucked her cell phone out of the pocket, and flipped it open while pressing it to her ear.

She was not prepared for the deafening screech that echoed into her poor, defenseless ear.

Georgina flinched, grimacing at the pain in her ear as she immediately flung the phone away from her ear, Pauline’s voice frenziedly babbling away noisily.

Rachie, who had pulled her flat’s keys out of her pocket, looked at the phone with the squealing noise, looked at Georgina, and then raised both of her eyebrows in a questioning manner.

“Pauline!” Georgina seethed out as she tentatively hovered the phone near her other ear.  “Pauline!”

“Harrison! You need to get over here now!” Pauline’s tone was frantically insistent, and it took Georgina a moment to decipher the speedy message while Pauline just continued to chatter away at a mile a minute.

“PAULINE!” Georgina attempted to interrupt the squealing girl on the other line, noticing that Rachie had started to move away from her side towards a numbered door of a modest-sized apartment.  “Pauline!” The tall brunette repeated as she quickly followed Rachie as the smaller brunette started to unlock her door.

“You won’t ever believe what’s happened to meeeeeeeee!! I can’t believe I agreed to dooooo tthiiisss!!!!”

“Do what?!” Georgina snapped out.


Georgina had had enough.

“Quit tryin’ to make me deaf, McCartney!” She growled out, and Rachie looked up at her with alarmed blue eyes.  “Now breathe, calm down, and tell me what’s wrong!”

“Just…” Pauline’s voice was still shrill with emotions.  “Just get over here!”

Georgina rolled her dark eyes, and flipped her phone shut after hearing a dial tone.

“Friend of yours?”  Rachie asked with a small smile, starting to open her door.

“Unfortunately…” Georgina snipped out. “I gotta go, but it was great talking to you…” She trailed off uncertainly, shifting her weight as she stuffed her phone into her pocket.

Rachie gently reached out to grasp Georgina’s hand, squeezing it tenderly.

“Thanks again, for… you know.”  The older girl’s smile was infectious.

“Anytime.” Georgina grinned out, and then relunctantly removed her hand from Rachie’s.

“Bye.” Rachie softly murmured as she slipped past her apartment door.

“Bye.” Georgina waved her hand at Rachie as the door silently closed.

Georgina sighed, and then slowly ambled her way back down the street. 


georgina, rachie, chains of love, pauline

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