Oct 17, 2007 01:21
That’s interesting isn’t it, that statement holds a great deal of truth to it don’t you think? No matter how bad things are in the great scheme everything is perfectly right. The universe is a magical thing, it has so much force, and it puts everything into place at the right time. I wandered for a bit tonight, not very long just thirty or forty minutes. I say wandering instead of walking because walking is just the act of moving but to me wandering means a whole lot more. Wandering is a form of searching for nothing, and you can find many secrets hidden away in nothing. People over look so much as simply nothing and when they do this they miss the greater picture, in something as meaningless as a slug on a cheap beer can in the gutter you can find the answers to inner peace. Being happy is of course not everything, it is also very important to balance happiness with misery. For the two are not whole on their own. We should not seek eternal happiness but everlasting peace. Accept that everything you do matters, that every action effects someone, or something and someone or something’s world changes because of it. Accept your faults and mistakes, embrace your imperfection, and open your mind and soul to the universe. Take the time to stare at the stars, or wander the streets. When doing these things never think about something, allow your mind to find the thoughts. Allow your inner self to reach deep down and dig out ideas, hopes, dreams and fears you never knew you had. Do not force answers to anything, they will come in time if you open yourself to the possibilities. Life is not a road but a river and the more we fight our way up stream the worse it gets, STOP! Allow the current to take you, eventually you’ll find yourself where you need to be.