I remember hearing that The Beatles' 'Revolver' was voted #2 as the Best Album Ever Recorded in Q Magazine in a Radiohead interview ('OK Computer' was voted #1). I always wondered what was so good about it, but never bothered to listen to give any of the songs on Revolver a listen.
The prof in my Music And Society class played 'Tomorrow Never Knows' in class today. Holy shit. It reminds me of the Chemical Brothers' 'Let Forever Be', though.
I liked
tate's list of stuff that makes her happy. So I'm gonna write one now, in the hopes that writing this will make me feel better than I've been feeling lately.
Stuff that makes me feel less like crap:
-a smoke after a filling meal
-weather that's in the 15-18 degree Celsius range
-coming across new bands that I'm really into
-taking a picture and finding out it came out a lot more nicely than you expected
-when I don't fuck up a stencil
-finding a topic of conversation with a friend that we can just talk for hours about
-when people seem like they enjoy my company as opposed to seeming like they're there because they have to be
-a Coke when you're really thirsty
-getting a good mark on something I thought I did poorly on
-munchies, and then stuffing my face
-spending money and knowing that I won't be sorry for it the next day
-having a failing grade magically turn into a marginally passing grade (huzzah!)
-MP3 players
-really good sleep
Wow, that was a retarded list.
Oh oh oh, wait. I forgot to add "Really good books" to the list. I'm still reading Kerouac's On The Road. Although the narrative style reminds me a lot of JD Salinger's (who I'm not that crazy about), the characters are engaging enough that I still like the book. For some reason, it's taking me forever to read, though.
I need a haircut soon. I keep having an urge to just shave it all off again.