Mar 19, 2006 22:42
Watching the Commonwealth Games coverage of the weight lifting. The commentator honestly just said 'Nothing feels as good as a nice snatch'.
Went to the job expo thingy last week and discovered a placement agency that will find me a teaching position in England as soon as I've finished my Grad Dip. So I'm setting a date. Hopefully I'll be on my way back in January 2008. I know that it's a long way off, but I like to be organised. I think that this time around I'll stay there for a few years. Mum and Dad want me to be living there when London has the Olympics in 2012 so they can come stay. Scott's excited I'll be there the year after he finishes college cause he wants to travel like I did.
Uni work is already piling up. I've decided that my History on Film course was a huge mistake cause I know nothing about, nor do I enjoy, film analysis. I'm trying to find a widely available movie that can be talked about in relation to the concepts of 'interpretation' and 'propaganda'. I've gotten lots of suggestions but have not yet found one I'm comfortable with writing about. The Green Beret's is an ok example, but it's such a piece of shit film that it doesn't stand up to the slightest amount of academic criticism.
Placebo's new album is out and it's pants-wettingly good. It's so nice having a favourite band that never disappoint.