Jun 05, 2008 08:34
I've poured over these java programming notes so much I know them word for word. Yesterday's noon study lasted all the way till 3am in the night, all I remembered that I did was putting my face in my hands, rubbing my eyes, constantly in search of food to replace the hunger, screaming in the middle of the night and feeling frustrated over higher level progrogramming questions. But it keeps me going, because today's the day that will end my pain and because today will be the start of my crazy fucking holidays.
My bosses called me back to work for every Saturday of this month because it's P.Osh 4 years anniversary. We get to wear whatever we want for work (Dressed-up trendy chic whatev) but the problem here is, I'm already going crazy thinking about what should I wear to school every day let alone wear to work. Dressed-up?! Okay so, skirt/dress/jeans/shorts?
Last night I fell asleep on the phone while talking to Yatty. It must be the fucking studying hours it's eating into my sleep. I keep having dreams these days and I wake up feeling more tired than ever. I wonder why.