(no subject)

Aug 04, 2008 20:21

My laptop's HD was deemed too miniscule by me and so I upgraded to 320G. You know what though? that little fucker can only hold 297.77G I'd like to know where 22.3333...Gigs went.

I had reassessed how I use my computer and have decided to someday soon make myself a home media server. I take thousands of pictures and document my projects, each with thousands of pictures. This garbage/ MY WORK will not all fit on my laptop anymore, so I must change my methodology.

I now have 4 external hard disks holding backups and backups of backups plus more garbage that is not centralized, (Hence the server need).

My portfolios are stored on hundreds of dvds and I keep them all in a drawer cabinet file system. These go back since 2004.

Needless to say, I make a lot of projects at school/always.
I am constantly in a state of making and there are always projects of mine ongoing.

Therefore, with some degree of confidence, I think I will use a mac mini as a home media server. It doesn't need a monitor, or anything, and is 6.5" square.
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