song drabbles

Oct 10, 2008 00:01

Two of the little song-related drabbles I've managed to finish. May be more later depending. D:

also, I was going to link to the songs used but freaking imeem hates me at the moment. so just know that the first one is tori amos, and the second is kenna!


[a sorta fairytale]

The spray of gravel caught his attention first. Massu eyed the newcomer cautiously, the old green El Camino and the man leaning out the driver’s side window. Oversized aviator’s glasses obscured the better part of his face but the curious, lopsided smile was left untouched. “Car dead?”

Massu nodded, torn between wariness for the grinning stranger and great relief that someone had actually stopped for him. His eyes turned back to the smoke coming up from under the hood of his own vehicle and grimaced. Of course it would break down midday in mid-summer in the middle of nowhere. Not for the first time since obtaining it he cursed the little compact car.

During this time the man had pulled over to the side of the road as well and, once parked, had emerged from the car. He was smaller than Massu would’ve imagined but didn’t seem that much older than him, and Massu wasn’t going to begrudge free help no matter who it came from or how small they were.

The stranger popped the hood before Massu could say anything to stop or urge him on. A little tinkering and a few burned fingers and a lot of curses later and the man stood up, wiping his hands on the backside of his jeans. An unexpected southern accent clung to his words when he spoke. “Belt snapped in half. You're lucky the whole thing didn't catch on fire.”

“Great.” Of course this would happen when his cell phone was on its last legs. Not that he knew what number to call to get him out of this predicament. Massu squatted on the ground, running fingers through his hair, exasperated. Letting loose a sigh that seemed to shake his whole frame, he looked back up to his roadside acquaintance. “How far away is the nearest town?”

“About fifty miles east of here.” And you’re crazy if you think you can walk there on your own in this heat. The last part hadn’t been said but it was mutually understood to be true. Massu scratched his shoulder absently. Even if he did manage to make it there on his own he wasn’t sure if he had the money to fix his car. Piece of crap though it was, it was still his piece of crap.

He could see a pair of boots move into his peripheral space and looked up to their owners. The other man had removed his glasses and was pointedly staring at everything but Massu. “I guess you’re not entirely unlucky. Just so happens I’m headed that way myself.”

For the briefest of moments he spared a glance over to the boy crouching on the ground before allowing his eyes to dart away quickly. “Guess I could give you a ride if you really need it.”

Massu blinked up at his unlikely savior. He had the air of a tough guy who had just admitted to watching those gossipy daytime television shows that housewives liked, but only because he really liked the fights or the occasional trashy episode about strippers or midget weddings. The other man was obviously uncomfortable with this act of kindness on his part and fidgeted appropriately. But before he could retract the statement, Massu stood up and smiled, his head bobbing gratefully. “Thanks.”

With that simple word all the tension of the situation seemed to diffuse. The glasses were replaced on the stranger’s face before he held out a hand in Massu’s direction. “Ryo.”

Massu accepted it warmly. “Takahisa. But everyone calls me Massu.”

Ryo nodded at this bit of information, gripping his hand tightly. It was a deal now, wasn’t it? "What're you waiting for? Get your shit and let's go."

Massu grinned and darted back towards his little injured Nissan. His messenger bag was slung around his shoulder and his dufflebag retrieved before he locked the car and ran over to where Ryo was standing, door held open and boot tapping in a carefully calculated irritated manner.


[wide awake]

Tsuyoshi had been up for something close to two days, though the exact hour count he had lost track of; your brain got a little fuzzy once you passed the thirty hour mark.

He hadn't been able to calm down after their last concert, and the next day was busy enough with show appearances and the like to keep him moving. Eventually it had morphed into some amalgam of insomnia and mania, too full of thoughts to rest. His mind was racing despite the weary, exhausted complaints of his body. Body betrayed mind; mind betrayed body. This was only a tiny skirmish in the constant war between the two.

The piece of napkin in front of him was once white, of this he was sure of. Well, as sure as he could be on no sleep in two days. On second thought, it may have been beige. Maybe cream? Eggshell? Whatever the color it once was, now it was a cacophony of ink and drink, little men-fish dancing around a coffee colored sun in defiance or reverence or something-ance. Men-fish? Fish-men? He didn't know anymore. Had he ever known in the first place?

He was chewing on the cap of his pen absently and tapping the plastic ballpoint against his knee in a constant tat-tat-tatta-tat-ta-tat-tatta. Outside the car the world was a wet blur of cement and neon light punctuated by the occasional tree or shrub or patch of green that had no place in an urban jungle.

So lost in contemplating the world passing by his tired, tired eyes, Tsuyoshi didn't noticed the movement at his side. Without warning the pen cap was grabbed from his mouth with one hand while another went to cradle the back of his head. Then the scenery was tipping until his face met a bony but not alien shoulder and an equally familiar, deep voice whispered in a tone that was caring if not a little annoyed. "Go to sleep already."

Tsuyoshi hadn't thought Koichi was still awake. Long car rides usually lead to him passing out though it wasn't sure if it was from exhaustion or boredom. Probably both. Tsuyoshi mumbled as much.

An annoyed grumble as Koichi shifted around a little to better accommodate the fidgeting man at his side. "You're keeping me up." The slightly older Domoto let his hand run up to rest in Tsuyoshi's hair, securing his head against Koichi's shoulder before Koichi rested his cheek against the top of Tsuyoshi's head. A sigh. Comfort mixed with exhaustion. "Hurry up and sleep. I'll wake you when we get there."

Tsuyoshi bit down on his lip. He didn't want to sleep, didn't think it was possible. There were so many things to think about. All the same he felt himself subconsciously slump against Koichi's frame. A comfortable calm settled over the two and soon Tsuyoshi could feel his own eyelids drooping. Traitors. He could feel Koichi's breath evening out as it ruffled his hair. "But how will you wake me up if we're both asleep?"

And as he was fading out he could've sworn he hear the other man mumble something that sounded like You’re an idiot but also could’ve been I love you.


the first one is threatening my brain to morph into something else. and oh god, the last one is so cheesey but i had the final line in my head and it wouldn't leave. so hooray cracked out sleep-deprived tsuyo?

drabble, p: domoto koichi/domoto tsuyoshi, kinki kids, news, p: masuda takahisa/nishikido ryo

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