what's going on

Sep 18, 2005 18:04

These are some links I've found helpful & informative.

Unitarian Universalist links

http://www.swuuc.org/ the southwest district of the Unitarian Universalist Association,
with links to their relief resources & efforts.

http://www.uua.org/msd/katrina.htm the midsouth district of the UUA, which includes affected
areas of mississippi and alabama

http://www.uua.org/clf/ the church of the larger fellowship,
which is offering membership to all UUs from the new orleans area congregations.

links to grassroots efforts & connections in & around new orleans

http://www.foodnotbombs.net/katrina.html food not bombs is in new orleans & feeding people!

http://www.neworleansnetwork.org/ keeping in touch as activists

http://neworleans.indymedia.org/ staying informed

http://www.commongroundrelief.org/ common ground has a clinic and more set up in algiers

http://www.vfproadtrips.org/ veterans for peace have a camp in covington and are getting
food & supplies to people all over the area

http://michaelmoore.com/mustread/covington.php michael moore is working with the
vfp & has lots of good info, pictures, links...

http://ccfm.standardemail.com/phpBB2/ check in with the crescent city farmers market community
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