Aug 04, 2005 09:34
The past month things have been alright. Last night I got a little upset about everything that's going on though. That thing that I got cut off the bottom of my foot came back and hurts oh so much so I went back to the doctor and he said that I have a planters wart. It's a wart that contains deep roots and everytime it gets cut out, freezed off, etc. it will come back. So I have to go see this other doctor to what he can do for me. I've been on pain medication for the past two weeks which makes me sick or sleepy. Also, my hand was hurting really bad and my fingers were tingling so they said that I have early signs of carpol tunnel(spelling)which means I have to wear a brace on my hand. Then, all this moving stuff is going on and that makes the pain worse. My grade for the summer is not what I want it to be. All of this just hit me last night and I started to cry. I know though that if it wasn't for that thing on my foot everything would be fine. Anwywho, I have to head on to class. Two more days until we move....yay!