I forgot I even had this god damn account..

Dec 18, 2004 21:09

Hey, My name's Lee and I'm from Minneapolis, MN. I forgot I even had this account on livejournal. I usually post at Xanga, but hell, since I have 2 blogs, I might as well make both blogs operate, instead of taking up bandwith.

My blog on Xanga is going to be dedicated more towards my personal life and strifes, this one is going to be more dedicated to my poetry and rants about controversial subjects that people on Xanga would get bitchy about.

I have a new entry about my personal life on http://www.xanga.com/coldredrain

Now, let the bitching begin.

All sorts of holy people say that the earth was made for mankind. The same mankind that lives on a planet that's 75% water. The same mankind that lacks gills. Kinda makes a man skeptical about religion. Especially Abrahamic religions.

Yet, when you have a healthy dose of common sense, you're turned into a pariah by these people. You're made to be an evil worker of some invisible evil deity that supposedly last saw a human being 2000 years ago.

Teenagers are disowned by their parents for thinking that way, long term relationships are strained, and in some places, your head is cut off.

Why does our society demonize common sense and logic? Are your damn beliefs so important that you're willing to demonize somebody close to you because they're the epitome of everything that's bad in your book?

Think about it.

Another thing to think about is this. I had a dream that the Mormon angel's Moroni's younger brother, Macaroni visited me with Billy Ocean and told me to spread the name of Bacchus.

So what makes my dream so different from other holy men's dreams? Nothing, except I don't have enough gullible followers.
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