May 05, 2010 08:49
Okay, so I'm getting caught up on Smallville, right?
We know already that I adore Chloe, she's the only reason I watch (Clark who?).
I also have a growing love/respect for Tess, because she's a total HBIC. She's so much like Chloe, both strong females with their own agendas and minds and the determination to do what they want no matter the consequences (and they both have soft underbellies that we catch glimpses of that reveals their love for a certain archer...).
That being said, after watching "Upgrade"...I think I may ship Chloe/Tess. Just saying, fem!slashy goodness. They're kinda BAD ASS together. (Also, TESS INSTINCTIVELY HELPED CHLOE HIDE WHEN LOIS SHOWED UP. LOVE IT.)
I really want some OT3 fic now, Chloe/Oliver/Tess. OR. ORRRR...
Any combination of the three.
I really do. Someone write it. NOW.
tv: smallville