I've put off posting a new batch of icons over at
prism_perfect for almost a month, and it ended up being a big batch of 90, and I hate it when I let the batch get that big. Takes so long to copy and paste the damn links. Still...most of the Smallville icons I made today and I'm SUPER pleased with them.
Spent like an hour on two Chlollie manips, but only one turned out good. The other was...too tricky to pull off so I scrapped it.
I MUST get writing done tonight. I'm trying to get one of my drabble tables done and it's helping me get back into the habit of writing. On the positive side, it's stirring my creative juices and that's applying to my icon!making too. I've already got enough in a second batch of icons to post, but again I'm gonna put it off for a bit.
*shrugs* I think I needs to find a friending post on one the comms I subscribe to. Not enough interaction on my journal these days, I needs people to play with!
Random post is random.