(no subject)

Dec 22, 2003 23:26

So, I got my new quad about 2 weeks ago. Right now it is just the frame and all the parts laying on the floor in my garage. The frame is going off to the powdercoater. The +4 axle and the +2 swingarm are going off to the chromer. My +2 chrome a-arms should be here soon. I got my new shiny black Maier plastic in a few days ago. My CT310 motor is in the crate just waiting. Ordered a stainless steel bolt kit that should be here soon too. Hopefully ordering my LRD pipes soon and ordering my carbon fiber radiator shrouds, tank cover, and hood too. I have pretty much everything for it, going to get some nerf-bars and maybe new pegs if I have enough money. I still have my paddles from the 400ex that are pretty much in brand new condition. Have to order some new motor mounts, get my stock axle taken apart so I can get the hubs off to the powdercoater too. If I get more money soon too I can also order my extended steering stem. I don't know yet but I can tell you this much...when it is done it is going to be pretty friggin sweet and it is going to be fast. Keep on the look out for me next year cause I am most likely going to start racing. Anyway though I was bored and I am excited about this so just wanted to tell everyone...Later
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