post-hurricane amusement (for me)

Sep 05, 2004 17:20

if you were to say to me: "ali, let's do something September 16th and/or 17th" i would have to say (unless i felt the need to lie to you and stand you up) "fuck that shit! i'll be up in oxford then, motherfucker!" at which point i would laugh uproariously and run about with my hands up in the air shooting my gun at the sky.
to avoid such a scene i suggest you make note that i will be visiting my future college up in georgia the week after next. part of me knows i will love it as i have already learned to do from afar, but another part of me hopes to hate it so that i cannot even bother applying and forget the financial trouble it would be to send me there.
another warning: if you make fun of the accent i will inevitably pick up while at school in oxford i will have to bitch slap you southern-belle style.

in other news, frances sucked. i know you've all already said it and thought it - but i can't help throwing my proverbial hat in the ring and insist that a lamer, more annoying hurricane could not be imagined. i have to admit that i was able to get quite a bit of work done including 5 college essays (3 more to go!), 1 entire application (i sent it off on friday!), an ass load of latin and a lot of jane eyre (the singular greatest book ever written).

and lastly: i have curly hair! here i was blow drying it every night thinking i was only quickening its inevitable natural-straightening... but no! in the past few years i have morphed into a curly-headed ali!
exciting, i know =)

and here are some

this is jordana weathering the hurricane from the comfort of my bed. (it was windy in here...)

polly took refuge in our empty water box

and lola made like she was a gopher

and i flicked people off when they tried to take pictures of me (as i always do)

here are some randoms which i figure you should find amusing:
(i really don't want to go back to writing essays...)

this here is chris being made of magic

that would be tim the crazy killer man ... i still think this is the weirdest/greatest/creepiest picture i have ever taken (aside from certain ones of my cats)


chris looking like a retard

tim doing combat with a pole

brian guarding his precious nipple

joey and i! awww

oh hey! that's christmas!!
that's me in 9th grade... fake glasses and all... oi.
i remember jeff giving those to me because he saw how much i like wearing michael's glasses... nevermind it was because we are (were) equally blind....
i also remember wearing them everyday pushed up on the top of my head. oh man... i was the rockinest fake glasses girl douglas ever saw....

that's that.
. (i swear there are only 2 of cats!)
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