happy summer!

Jun 15, 2004 23:08

what is it about summer that brings out so much ambition?
there are so many things that i want to do before school starts again.
i would list them all, but i would rather not.

i haven't written in quite some time, as i doubt most any of you have noticed.
let me assure you all, my dear readers, that my hiatus was not due to a lack of things to say - but rather because of far too many things to say and far too few people who care to read it all.

the point is:
i was awfully sick today. i got another kitten! her name is polly. tomorrow i am going to go paint. i need more money. i have this killer idea for a dress. i want so much to start dating again. i really can't say that i want a boyfriend - that may actually be the last thing that i need right now. but i would love to just date. this coming senior year is going to be wonderful!

i hope that everyone else is having a good summer as well!

PS - i'm bad about holding grudges. bad in that i do it. i wish i didn't. sometimes i convince myself that i do so because i'm one of those "strong women" who doesn't take shit from people - but i think it's due to something far less strong and far more weak. but anyhoo, i think i'm done holding grudges - it takes for too much energy and time that i would so much rather put towards other things. like making money and enjoying the summer! right? right!

there's only so long i can be this upbeat, i promise.
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