(no subject)

May 30, 2004 12:46

while the rest of you were sleeping, joey, brian, and i ...
-made 8 waffles.
-ate 8 waffles.
-set off the alarm in my house.
-answered the door to the most awkward police man ever.
-closed the door on my cat.
-so joey and i (thanks so much jordana for coming with me!) took my cat to the vet after calling in the "doctor on call" b/c the vet's office is closed on sundays.
lola is fine now and my eyes are so very dry from all my girly sobbing.
oi. i don't believe i did that. i feel so incredibly bad and am allowing her to suck on my shirt and do whatever else she pleases for the rest of the weekend!

aaaannnyyyhhhhhoooo - the was last night!

it went really well and was all kinds of fun.
the cops came around 11 because some kids (ahem... brian...) were over by the pool and we were all "not us!" and they were all "oh alright then! we're just going to lock ourselves out of our own police car, is that cool with you guys?" and we were all "whatever dudes, whatever!"
some 8th graders showed up with sophe shorts in their vaginas. they were gross and i pray to god i wasn't so gross/ghetto at 12.
so all in all - it was great and went off without a hitch!

the hosts! we're cute.

jose and tim were early.

kerri was late.

a lot of people didn't come at all! what the fuck?

leila and emma came as many-layered people. they were cute too.

evan and alex came as the olsen sisters.

alex in a dress negated any kind of sexual tension that may have arisen. thank goodness.

also cute!

alicia and jess were velma and roxie from chicago! they were cute as well!

pre-toga brian

brian was bluto from animal house. and that was my bed sheet.

there was a lot of gun play...

.... and some nipple tweaking. (but not nearly enough)

tim made an all too convincing powder....

there's so much going on in this picture if you just take a second to look....


while i was muy disappointed christina didn't wear her skank dress from the thrift shop - she still looked muy cute!

we had a lot of popcorn. brian got us a whole garbage bag full from work. (thanks again brian!)

and now for a series of pictures that i cannot find an explanation for:

i force-fed evan. a lot.


i got to wear a garter!
was last night!
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