Fill In The Blank Created by
glitterxvomit and taken 71 times on
bzoink!Fill in the blankI am notdeadI hurtthereI lovepornI hatemy orthodontistI fearsnowmenI hopemy car makes it through the winterI hearmy computerI craveGrilled CheeseI regret______ ___ ____ ___.I crywhen people dieI careabout thingsI alwayspeeI long tosleepI feel aloneneverI listento musicI hidein the darkI drive'94 Concorde biaI singall the timeI danceall nightI writesongsI breahteairI playguitarI missKatie Lacy...damn northern!I searchthe interent?I learnschool.I feelwarmI knoweverythingI sayshitI succeedin lifeI failin lifeI dreami don'tI sleepwith you...I wonderwhen that damn lunch is gunna be readyI wantto sleepI worryabout stuffI havea Juice Plus wrist band BITCHES!I givemyself?I fightaloneI waitfor my lunchI needmy lunchI amhungryI thinki want my lunchI cant help the facti want my fucking lunch.
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