Oct 10, 2009 10:18

YATTO. I've finally finished all of them. I took quite some time because in some volumes the titles are jumbled up, like track 1 was titled as track 9's. *headdesk* I had to listen to them one by one and retitle them all.

And I know some are already uploaded before, like the SP series, but I reuploaded them anyway. :)

So yay!

This is the official site if you need details of each CD.

Vol.1 - 強引な旦那様 vs 優しい旦那様(Strong VS Gentle Danna): Ishida Akira & Hirakawa Daisuke (Booklet Included)

Vol.2 - 甘えん坊旦那様 vs ツンデレ旦那様 (Amaenbo VS Tsundere Danna): Toriumi Kousuke & Kishio Daisuke (Booklet included)

Vol.3 - 亭主関白旦那 vs 兼業主夫旦那 (Dominant VS Householdy Danna): Nakai Kazuya & Ono Daisuke

(^ Seems like OnoD has been receiving roles like this a lot recently. Like MaMa Boyfriend in StarrySky Cancer. XD)

Vol.4 - ナルシスト旦那様 vs クール旦那様 (Cool VS Narcissist Danna): Hoshi Souichirou & Midorikawa Hikaru

(^ Note: Track 24 & 28 are titled wrongly, 24 is supposed to be 28, and 28 is 24. I only noticed until I ULed. Sorry!)

Vol.5 - 年上旦那 vs 年下旦那 (Older VS Younger Danna): Inoue Kazuhiko & Shimino Hiro (Booklet included)

Special Series Vol.1 - Bloodtype O vs Bloodtype AB Danna: Nakamura Yuuichi & Miyata Kouki

Special Series Vol.2 - Bloodtype A vs Bloodtype B Danna: Nojima Kenji & Kamiya Hiroshi (Booklet included)

If you find any errors in them do let me know! And I apologise for some of the volumes' titles where they are only briefly numbered.

And then this is KissxKiss Collection Vol.7 by Nakai Kazuya as requested in the previous request post. :)


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