this is from my best friend,
rose, about that
weird new law that will fuck up lots of craftsters, other indie retailers, mamas & daddies, kids, readers, and just about everyone else. i wrote my congressman & senators, signed that petition, and wrote this. what are you gonna do?
In just over a month, my livelihood will be a federal offense.
I sell used toys and books. As of February 10th, the sale of all books intended for children ages 12 and under will be prohibited. Every single book printed prior to the ruling is affected, whether new or used. New books in production are required to include a “lead-free” certification and will be the only books that are legal to offer for sale. New books will be the only books that are legal to offer for sale. No books at Goodwill. No local used book shops. No library discard racks. No eBay. Amazon has already notified it’s sellers that they must comply or be fined. CDs and toys will be subject to this rule, too. No more boxes of random Lego from eBay. No more handmade cloth diapers from eBay.
This is not a web rumor. After Feb. 10, there’s no telling how it will go down. The penalty for violating this law is five years of jail or a fine of $100,000. Though my partner runs the business, it’s all in my name. There are easy, simple, five minute things you can do now to help prevent me from being prosecuted. It is true that this could not possibly go into effect without amendments, because there will be too much outrage. If you use that to justify not expressing your outrage, you undermine the solution.
- Please e-mail or call the office of the CPSC ombudsman. All you’ll have to say is, “I’m calling because this legislation horrifies me. Stop it.” The number is 888-531-9070. You can also e-mail; visit this website or email:
- E-mail or call your local representatives. Tell them you wanted to make sure they’re doing something about this horrible legislation. That’s it. That’s all you have to say. Just enter your zip code at this site. Angela discovered that your reps don’t know what this is.
- Sign this petition:
- Register (it takes two seconds) and vote on this website. The top three issues will be presented to President-elect Obama.
- Send a letter to the chair of the committee on energy and commerce, Rep. Bobby Rush, 2416 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515. Some crafters are sending handmade items with tags that say, “On Feb. 10, this item will be HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. If your committee reconsiders the interpretation of the CPSIA, you won’t have to call in Hazmat to deal with it.” It’s a little sensational for my tastes, but you can send a letter to that address, too.
- Write a blog post expressing your horror. Don’t comment here. Take it to your readers. I’ll get your pingback love. Feel completely free to copy and paste this wholesale on your blog; in fact please do so.
Finding new homes for cast off treasures that would otherwise take up space in a landfill is how we support our family. If you’re the praying, meditating, or magick-doing type, I’ll take that type of help too.