so I remember having this little midget person with me. I'm not sure whether it was a midget or just a very small normal person or maybe a baby. Anyway, I was using a stick and kind of scratching this baby/midget/thing, etching statistics into its skin (but lightly, not breaking the skin or anything). I think it was female, this thing. I'm pretty sure I was carving statistics about penis was like "the size of the female penis has increased in the past year by x inches..." or something else along those lines. Indeed, the midget had a penis that looked like a baby's penis, but it was a girl. hmm. So anyway it starts complaining to me, saying things like "you know, the penis is a very weird thing" and "it's not fair that you are etching writing into my skin. It doesn't feel very good. Just because I'm a girl...I mean, guys don't need to have this etched in their skin because they obviously have a penis." and so I felt bad and grabbed some lotion and said, "here, let me help you put some on your back."
in other news, no I am not on crack.
dude I'd be sooo(much more) fucked up.
eh econ midterm number 2 today...don't really know how I feel about how I did. blah at least it's over. I'll worry about it when I get it back.
hah Ryan is so much fun.
I get to see my family this weekend. They are moving next week-ish!!! aaah weird!
I can't wait for spring break. no bahamas but it will be a blast anyway.
random pictures du jour: