Title: Green
Genre: Cartoons
Series: Teen Titans
Characters: Jinx, Kid Flash
Spoilers: N/A
Rating: PG
Summary: Punishment for crimes served.
Prompt: #38-Seed
Word Count: 100
Drabble Table:
HERE “I just don't understand it.”
“What's not to understand? It's community service.”
“Don't you have some crime somewhere you should be stopping?”
“I can't watch my girlfriend plant trees? I'm listening for trouble.”
“I still don't get it. I never hurt no stinkin' trees. I stole things! Wouldn't a suitable community service be...I don't know...stopping people from stealing stuff?”
“That's your job. You can't do your job as community service.”
“So I have to garden? Seriously? You know...you could do all this work in seconds.”
“I could, but I didn't steal anything.”
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