Title: Rush Fandom: NUMB3RS Pairing/Characters: Colby Rating: PG Spoilers: Uh.... yes. Janus & Co. Summary: Colby likes his vacations to give him more of a rush than his job does. A/N: Written for the All About Colby challenge on
Lemme guess you like to go skydiving? You'd get along well with a lot of my family. (Ex-military)... my grandfather says that the only reason no one's been in the Coast Guard is cuz "no one wants to be safe"... and quite a few of them were Airborne.
Ohhh! I love the idea that he wants the rush of freefall to last forever. Skydiving and surfing is such a perfect vacation for Colby. It rings very true to his character.
Comments 7
As if the story wasn't good enough already, you added that. LOL!!!
I so loved how he feels about L.A. and how much he enjoys the few moments that are HIS.
And the beach... yay! He liked his vacations to give him more of a rush than his job did and this one had certainly fit the bill perfectly.
Great ending!
Crazy man, jumping out of a perfectly good airplane!
But you know, I've never actually encountered a perfectly good airplane. A perfectly good parachute, sure...
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