Dec 22, 2007 20:34
Everything changes the moment you stay the same, ironic no? Of course that last statement has nothing to do with me as I myself have been the object changing...shedding skin I suppose. Winter, oh how I do love winter but the snow just reminds me of home and that is not where I am...but then why is that? Perhaps I am being tied to this place much like Jacob Marley was, and perhaps still is if you believe that true hell is forever, yes perhaps I am bound to be what I am and not what I think I am supposed to be. Wow I just read all of this and it makes no sense really but I am going to post it anyway. So if you have read this pointless, albeit short, post ( at least I kept it short )then I say thank you for it shows that perhaps somewhere inside there...deep perhaps...there is something, anything that cares. Now this isn't supposed to be emotional so if it comes across that way I apologize...just a few letters linked together to form...well...crap. :)