wiz JUNK

Jun 14, 2005 21:55

okay so we had a 5 HOUR rehgearsal today and we
didnt even finish the 1st act. we got to like the 10th
or 11th song! it was really bad. but we went sooooo
much farther than the other cast. they had all day
(given it was a tuesday) and a 5 hour rehearsal, and
they only got to the 5th song. we may have been really
suckish but that was kinda pathetic, thats at least
what colin (CAST B WIZ) said and HIS cast. and the
lady backstage, (cant spell her last name) was so mean
to me. i heard she was like the nicest lady. i guess she
was stressed. but still, she was so mean to me. but
w/e. the show is in 2 days, and were NOWHERE near
ready. but WHO CARES?!?!??!? ms. lappin doesnt. and
most of the costumes SUCK BUTT! except my crow
costume. its sooo kick butt, im not even kidding. its
the coolest thing like ever. but a lot of the guys have
to wear things that guys should NEVER have to wear.
but as i have been told too many fricken times....."WELCOME
TO MUSICAL THEATRE!" so beware all who are getting into
musical theatre. it is a butt sucking pain right now. but
it should be great once its done. all we can do is ray we'll be good.

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