if this is sight, i'd rather be BLIND.

Jan 02, 2004 22:44

Tonight was ok.
Until we got to the brew.
I got all blah for no reason and i was pissed.
I just feel like shit and everyones all like "whats wrong" and I didnt know what to say.
Theres like 28947823 in my mind and I can't stop thinking about all of them.
Yeah, I'm a loser.
So yeah niki nadi and john went to get a table and i just sat outside because sometimes i really hate that place.
And then I went with tyler to 7-11 and he got soup and we put water in it and all and the lady was like "you gotta put dat in da microwave fa like a minute and tirty seconds"
so we did and it like exploded in the microwave.

Tomorrow is allies thingie and i dont even know what time it starts.

i'm gonna list the bood and bad things about tonight.

-hanging out with niki nadi and tyler
-playing with the quija(sp!??!) board and them not concentrating
-the picture i made for nicole.
-spitting on someone when i gave them a hug

-being in a bad mood.
-Watching this couple like slobbering on eachother and humping.
-The kid that started talking to me out of nowhere and him not playing guns n roses until me and carina were gonna cry.
-mike saloman not letting me beat him up


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