
Jun 22, 2006 20:33

Continued from here.

Sex and Torture )

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crazy_lil_fred July 2 2006, 01:25:21 UTC
Fred gasped when Rupert's tongue found her clit. She pushed down at him, not worried about his need to breathe since he didn't - breathe. Leaning forward, she grabbed the headboard and started to ride his tongue. "Fuck, Rupert," she growled when he started to pinch and flick her clit.

She wanted to last forever so they wouldn't have to stop but being a vampire didn't mean she could have sex all the time. Fred felt everything inside of her start to tighten up and she gripped the headboard even tighter and scream out his name as she came and shuddered on him.

After a few moments, Fred slipped off him and laid down on the bed. "You're so fucking hot, Rupert," she purred before softly kissing him. Her eyes ticked over to the windows. "I think whoever we killed were drug dealers," she said. "Look how thick the curtains are. No one can see in and no one can see out. Good for us so the sun doesn't turn us to dust."

Fred slipped out of the bed and walked over to the window. There were clasps on the wood to tie to heavy curtains to. She tied them down, knowing morning would soon be there. With a grin, she pranced back to the bed and snuggled up to Rupert. "How did you like your first night as a vampire?" she asked.


r_giles July 2 2006, 05:55:23 UTC
Giles pressed his finger harder against her nub, feeling her bucking over him, knowing she was close. When she screamed out his name, he felt her muscles contract around his tongue and the heady taste of her come flood his tongue. Eagerly, he lapped it up, running his tongue through her folds as she came down off her high.

When she slid off him, he shifted to face her, smiling when she kissed him. "You're bloody beautiful yourself," he told her, running his hand over her shoulder and arm. He nodded in agreement when she figured that they had killed drug dealers - given their state and everything they had found in the house, it made sense. It also meant that they probably wouldn't be missed at all.

He watched as she left the bed to make sure the curtains were tied securely then wrapped his arm around her when she returned to his side. "I rather wish I had known before how liberating this felt. If tonight is any indication how the rest of it will go, I know it's going to be amazing, especially since I get to be with you."

He paused for a moment, suddenly thinking about what Fred had mentioned earlier when they had been playing with Willow. "One of the first things I want to do is dust Angelus for what he did to you. Leaving you in that warehouse was unforgiveable, and he's going to pay for it."


crazy_lil_fred July 2 2006, 06:39:26 UTC
Fred grinned at Rupert's words and nodded. "I'm glad that I picked you instead of Willow. Everything we were afraid to embrace as humans, we can embrace now. I wanted you for so long and I do believe, if Willow and I had gone to Sunnydale, I would've dusted her and took you as my only Childe," she said, her fingers running over his tattoo.

She laughed when he mentioned killing Angelus. "We should put his soul back in first. Make him feel all guilty for turning me and killing Wesley, then you can kill him," Fred purred as she nipped at his neck, smiling when some of his borrowed blood ran down.

After licking up the blood, she pulled the blankets over them. She knew they didn't need them but she liked the feel of the material on her naked skin. Fred then snuggled close to Rupert and nuzzled his shoulder. "I love you," she said before smiling up at him.


r_giles July 4 2006, 20:44:30 UTC
"I love you too, Fred," he told her, his voice low and rough as he wrapped his arm around her, holding him against her. He would always be glad that she chose him as well - he finally had everything he wanted with her, everything he was afraid to take as a human. Their time together would be absolutely glorious, especially when they killed Angelus. He rather liked her idea of shoving his soul back in him before they did, too. Making the git suffer before staking him would be immensely satisfying.

Soon, they fell asleep, the heavy curtains keeping the room dark as the day passed. When evening came, and the sun went down, Giles found himself waking up, knowing that it was their time again. He smiled and looked down at the beautiful creature in his arms. He couldn't remember the last time he had slept so well, and waking up to his love lying against him was something he knew he'd never tire of.

Reaching over, he ran his hand down her jawline and neck to her chest. "Evening, love," he whispered, tilting his head to kiss her. "Did you sleep well? I do believe that was the best sleep I've ever had, especially since you were here with me."


crazy_lil_fred July 4 2006, 22:43:50 UTC
Fred liked sleeping now that she was a vampire. Without a soul, her sleep wasn't riddled with silly things like how her parents were doing, or if she'd get sucked into another portal or if Angel liked her or not. Now she didn't care about any of them. All she cared about was herself and her wonderful Childe. "Evening," she said as she opened her eyes.

She pulled herself up and looked down at him. "We have things we have to do tonight but since it's still early, we should get something to eat and try out our new pool. It's been years since I've swam," Fred said, tilting her head. A smile spread over her face and you got out of the bed. "I think I hear dinner outside."

Picking out a sundress from the closet, she pulled it on before looking out the window. There were two women walking up and down the street. "Get dressed," she said with a grin. "I want to play before we have to get the freezer from the hotel."


r_giles July 5 2006, 01:20:46 UTC
Giles looked up at his beautiful Sire as she leaned over him, her hair hanging over her shoulders, making her pale skin luminous in the dark. He smiled when she said they should get dinner and take a swim.

"It's been a long time since I swam myself. Probably since my school days, I believe," he told her. He watched her for a moment as she got up and went to the closet to get a dress out before looking out the window. When she told him to get dressed, he got up and walked up behind her to see the two women she had noticed. "Ah, they look like they should be a good meal."

Walking over to the closet, he pulled out a pair of new faded jeans and a dark shirt and put them on, deciding to forego the boxer shorts, especially since he didn't want to wear a pair that had been worn by someone else. Besides that, when he had been younger, he had rather enjoyed going without. Once he was dressed, he ran a hand through his hair before he walked back out into the bedroom, giving Fred a toothy grin.

"What kind of playing did you have in mind, love?" he asked.


crazy_lil_fred July 5 2006, 01:37:57 UTC
Smiling, Fred walked over to Giles and ran her hand over his chest. "I like you in dark colors. You look much better than Angel does," she said before leaning up and roughly kissing him. When she pulled back, she stepped over and put a pair of sandals on her feet. And when he asked his question, Fred furrowed her brow.

"Actually, no games right now. I want to eat and then fuck my Childe in the pool before getting the freezer," she said with a devious grin. "Maybe when we're done with putting the bodies away, you can take me on a ride on your new motorcycle? We can go out to the bluff and find some horny teenagers to play with."

Once the sandals were strapped on, Fred took Giles' hand and pulled him out of the room. They walked downstairs and out the front door. It was a beautiful and Fred grinned. Walking over to the gate, she waited for the women to return before stepping out of the gate.

"Lovely evening, isn't it?" she asked, smiling at the women. "My husband and I are new the the neighborhood and we were wondering when they pick up recycling and if the bins we have are the right ones."

"Oh, well, what do the bins look like?" one of the women asked with a huge grin.

"They're in the garage. Maybe you could come and look? Unless y'all are busy," Fred said with a sweet smile.

"I don't see why we can't," one of the women said as they stepped toward the gate.


r_giles July 6 2006, 02:44:42 UTC
The idea of taking Fred out for a midnight ride on the motorcycle was quite appealing, especially if they stopped somewhere and had some fun together. "I'd like to do that with you," he told her, watching her as she put her sandals on, enjoying the sight of her legs, thinking for a moment how much he liked being between them. But he knew that he would be soon enough once they had something to eat.

Taking her hand, he allowed her to lead him out of the room and out of the house down to the street. A warm breeze greeted them, as did a full moon, which made Giles grin - the werewolves would be out tonight. That would make things much more interesting.

The women Fred had targeted came walking back up the street, apparently out for an evening stroll together. Giles had to keep from smirking when Fred got their attention and started to play them, acting like he and she were regular neighbors in need of their help. She certainly was quite the actress when she wanted to be.

"They're up this way," he told the women when they agreed to come up to the garage and lead the way up the driveway. "I'm afraid we haven't been able to find much information on the collection times. Must love bureaucratic red tape."

"Oh...English?" one of the woman said upon hearing his voice. "Oh, I love English accents."

"Miriam! They don't want to hear about your accent fetish!" the other woman said. "And yes, the santitation department can be a bit of a problem to try to figure out."

When they reached the garage and entered, Giles looked at Fred with a smirk then followed them in. Once they were inside, the woman chattering about the bins and then the cars, he hit the control to close the door, startling the women, who looked at them in concern.

"Thank you so much," he told them, grabbing one of them and pushing her toward Fred before grabbing the other, covering her mouth before she could scream. "All of it."

He slid into his vamp face.


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