(no subject)

May 02, 2005 18:50

this weekened was the shit.
friday i hung out with brittany basically the whole day. she came over after school.. i sraightened her hair we went to the guys aau game.. chilled with everyone. then i came home and in the morning i woke up at like.. 12 ish? then i watched a movie with my mom then i talked to rae.. and alyssa and dena.. rae came over.. we went to alyssa and denas and hung out with alyssa dena cody max ryan devin nick g and nick l. that was awesome. then i slept over there and we watched elf :-)then i came home raked.. then went to maxes with brittany we played basketball.. and lost.. then we played scott in basketball and won like 333333 times.
and i just heard something mean.. so im leaving.
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