Colbert Report suspends production

Feb 15, 2012 22:53

The Colbert Report has suspended production for at least two nights, for as of yet unknown reasons.

According to users on Twitter, tonight’s taping was cancelled late last night. The show’s audience department sent out a notification email, reading in part “Due to unforseen circumstances, we have canceled our taping for the date of your ticket reservation, February 15, 2012.”

The show’s website now lists reruns for Wednesday and Thursday, bumping previously scheduled guests Claire Danes and Susan Cain.

A last-minute cancellation is highly unusual for Comedy Central’s fake news shows. The Daily Show has suspended production last-minute due to personal reasons twice during Jon Stewart’s reign: once when his second child was born, and once when a staff member passed away suddenly. If this week’s reasons are of a similar nature, it would be a first for the Colbert Report.

We’ll update this post when we learn the “why”. It should be safe to rule out Stephen being sick, since he’s previously taped shows with a freshly broken wrist, a cut on the bridge of his nose from a boating mishap, and a nasty case of the flu.


Does anyone know what's going on?
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