Mar 30, 2013 22:50


I've been staring at these tour dates for over a half hour, just in complete shock and disbelief and this-is-really-happening.  I know for some people, it might seem silly to be so enraptured by these dates and places - especially since none of these dates are within my own country.  But this is just...

It's the possibility, the chance, to finally see in-person what I've been enraptured and inspired by for 5 years.

As much as I would love to go to Japan and see them live, in their truest element, I was never in the position to do so.  It seemed like such a farfetched idea, and almost impossible given that I'm a full-time university student with a moth-eaten bank account, but now..  there's finally this chance.

Perhaps I just never thought it would truly happen, no matter the hints given to us through countless interviews and TV-spots.  I never thought I would have even the slightest possibility to see them.  I had already resigned and accepted the fact that I would enjoy the GazettE vicariously - supporting them however I could, thousands of miles away.  Scrapping together enough money to buy albums, tour merch, etc.  Watching live DVDs and reading live reports, and seeing Aoi and Ruki spam twitter, and flailing with those who were lucky enough to snap their spines alongside them.  And I was content with that - with being an arm's length away, but still being able to immerse myself in the music.

And while it would be truly amazing if they had a NY tour date, the fact that they are even branching out like this after so long is enough for me, honestly.  And I'm going to try my very hardest to make this work.

And so!:

Mexico City ::  9/6/13
Jose Cuervo Salon

The plan is to raise enough money in time for flights, tickets, hotel, etc.  I've already gathered some flight/hotel info and, really, none of it seems too real yet.  But I figure, even if I save up and end up not being able to go, I can still use a portion of that money to buy BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY with little to no pain \8D/

It's a win-win, so --

Let's fucking do this.

[P.S.  Is anyone else planning to attend the live in Mexico, etc?  :D]
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