So. It happened: the glorious audio previews of DIVISION have been released HOORAY!
Last year, I was determined not to spoil myself with TOXIC - I even went as far as blocking “the gazette” tag on tumblr to avoid temptation. I know, drastic measures... And I can honestly say that when I first listened to that album, the only song that truly made me cover my mouth to quell the squeals was SUICIDE CIRCUS - so all that waiting was for naught D:
So! I figured I would indulge in some wonderful leaks because the GazettE always seem to completely switch the tone and style of their songs within that 3 minute interval anyways, so what’s a little 30 second preview going to spoil? :3
The awesome thing about the previews this time around is that there are more songs (two..right?) that we still have not one inkling as to how it sounds, its style, tone, etc. ‘Tis all very exciting :D
A lot of people have been saying that this album is the lovechild of DIM and TOXIC. I’m just going to sit here, daintily cross my legs, and just stamp an “UM HELLS YES” to that statement.
The GazettE aren’t done tinkering around with more electro-sounds - including a heavy dose of vocoding. However, unlike their previous album, I feel that DIVISION harks more towards sounds that we know and love this band for. TOXIC was a complete experimentation, if you will, whereas DIVISION is a more focused mesh between the glory days of DIM and the new age of TOXIC.
Then again, this is just me sputtering ideas laced with my own personal preferences sooo, let’s move on to the songs, yes? \8D/
I never really flail over SEs (intros/outros/etc), but XI definitely gives an accurate, albeit brief, glance of what this album is going to entail. Heavy beats, use of electro (and not just vocoding, but high pitched effects a la DERANGMENT), something veering off into a direction that follows the general trail of the previous album but makes its own path… This intro reminds me a lot of INFUSE INTO which makes total sense since this album is a continuation of TOXIC afterall. The little “dubstep drop” is very familiar, but not overdone. It’s more atmospherical than right-in-your-face-this-is-dubstep-okay?-okay. INFUSE INTO was slower, more methodical, whereas XI has a certain thrilling growl to it that I think will remain beneath all the songs on this album (sans lovely ballads).
YES. YESSSS. This is what TOMORROW NEVER DIES *should’ve* sounded like, in my opinion. I believe this song is … last on the Limited Edition? If so, it seems to be an awesome song to end off on - something strong and hopefully memorable. I’ve already caught myself mildly headbanging to the heavy drums and chords so.. that basically sums up how I feel about it xD There are a lot of effects - a lot of filters, voice and guitar alike - and I can totally see what Ruki meant in needing headphones for this album. There are too many subtle nuances that can disappear without them. Although, unlike Ruki’s sagely (and expensive) advice, I think iPod earbuds work just fine :3
I was desperately hoping for this song to have a bite to it. The word GALLOWS alone inspires a lot of dark imagery and the last thing I wanted was a tonal fake-out and have it be a soft shiver than a wracking tremble. It’s difficult to discern everything in 30 seconds, but I think GABRIEL will snarl and be pretty awesome indeed :D
I have many thoughts. Many, many thoughts. I was actually going to write a post the other day when the longer preview was released, but I held off and bit my tongue xD
I’m torn - I absolutely adore some aspects of this song. Absolutely, completely adore. However, I still believe that the vocoding is a tad unnecessary. It’s growing on me though, since I’ve listened to the extended preview about 50 times lol, but I enjoy hearing Ruki’s raw vocals more than layered effects. I understand that rawness is mostly reserved for lives, but I would love - love - to hear it in this sort of quality :D
Besides that, this song is so fucking catchy I almost can’t stand it xD The chorus has been stuck in my head all week, haha. I know everyone and their mother was excited for this song so I’m really glad its living up to most expectations so far. Those “weeeooo”s (or however you want to spell them lol) need to definitely go though xDD It’s awesome to hear them play around with sound. Many people are anxious and hesitant, especially after TOXIC because that album was so different than any of their previous releases, but I think everyone needs to realize that this is what the GazettE has always done. They have always played with sound - creating things that were unexpected, unmatched, by any of their previous releases’ standards. We all have our personal tastes, but in this regard, I don’t think the GazettE has changed at all :)
And we all know the PV is going to be kickass >8D
Dripping Insanity
Speaking of electro/etc-effects…. >_>
I was literally thrown with the first 2 seconds after the initial chords xD But I warmed up to it REALLY quick since the electro quickly faded to the background to be replaced with the raw instruments. Ugh yessss. And yayyyy the girls are back! I’m forever in love with the female vocals on all Gazetto’s tracks :D
Now. Is it just me… or does this sound like a harder (coughbettercough) version of UNTITLED? I wish I could phonetically write out the lyric in particular that echoes back to UNTITLED’s singing style to me, but anyways. I LOVE IT. It’s almost like a gritty lullaby - softer than I expected with such a title, but then again, it does produce a sort of dripping-like quality. The various notes dripping down and slowly melding together - electro, guitars, bass, drums, Ruki, female vocals. Sinking, sinking, until we have this utterly beautiful and darkly enchanting melody in our chests. It’s an absolutely beautiful sound. I can’t wait to hear the whole thing - I can’t wait to hear it live. Dear lord and Christmas.
Anyways… xD
The much-anticipated Aoi song~ :D>
This is where the faint traces of DIM that Ruki had discussed in SHOXX trickled in. Just. Holy crap. I’m trying to be objective here and find both strengths and faults in each preview, but I seriously love everything about this song so far. The slow instrumentals - like stuttering breaths - driving us forward while Ruki’s vocals break off into that beautiful falsetto for just a fleeting moment. And that slight presence of violins/etc lying beneath the surface. DIM, DIM, HELLO DIM. At least an influence of it xD And we all know how biased I am towards that album. But stepping back from that bias, I really do think incorporating this kind of tone really makes this album more dynamic. It’s layered. Complex. And much deeper than I thought it would be.
Also, I just would like to add something Aoi noted about this track:
“It's a song I wrote wanting to represent a viscous Japanese horror movie. … Japanese horror makes you feel terror for details.”
Exactly. Exactly.
He conveyed that aching morbidity so well (is this the same dork spazzing us on twitter omg). There is a gradual, menacing build-up, a tension, a lingering breath at the nape of your neck. And it’s absolutely gorgeous.
Alright. So, my first take on this song when we were introduced to the PV clip was: carbon-copy lovechild of SHIVER and RTU (but mostly SHIVER), alrighty whatever.
But then, when we were so graciously given that extended preview, I noticed all the little details that made this song become something more intricate than SHIVER. Yes, it’s quite basic when compared to the other songs on this album so far, but there is something there - something that I’m really, really yearning to hear more of. There’s always a “softer”, dare I say, “more mainstream-esque” song in every album (I consider The Invisible Wall and perhaps In the Middle of Chaos as these types of songs, though I love them to pieces). It’s basic market-strategy, really, but I believe Ibitsu has something a little more skulking within those major chords. I especially noticed it in the longer preview (rather than in this new album preview).
Rather than not have any expectation for it and waving it on by, I find myself wanting more - just like with all the others :D
Oh, Uruha. It’s quite amazing that he can come up with this type of composition right alongside some of GazettE’s hardest, spine-breaking songs.
It has a Gentle Lie feel to it - a soft swaying that is quite lovely for a ballad. I wish I knew the technical terms for the underlying guitar picking, but I absolutely adore it. It's a raw version of that same picking UNITITLED had, I believe.
I don’t have too much else to say on this one since the preview leaves me with an “oh so pretty *A* ” impression. I’m sure the full song has a lot more nuances in store for us :D
Kago no Sanagi
The infamous “Kai” song that we’ve been teased with so much~
But seriously. I love this more than Kagefumi in terms of soft compositions. The crooning guitars, the subtle drum beats, the non-distorted vocals, everything. I have this lingering feeling that a heavy drop was just after when the preview cut off… I could be wrong and I will be so undoubtedly pleased with this song either way :D
I will forever glance too fast at this title and think it says Hetero xD
FUCK. YES. This song.. is going to be so fucking amazing live that I literally can’t even. Let me just throw all grammar out the window because this song oh this song sweet jeezus. The effects are awesome, the instrumentals are crisp and amazing. I can totally imagine them running back and forth on the platforms as Ruki props his foot up on his podium as per usual, haha. It’s such a playful rhythm/beat and it’s such a rush. Just. Yes.
I want to refrain from using the hackneyed terms "old" and "new" GazettE, but this song has a very nostalgic feel to it, in my opinion :D
I laughed at this title when it was first released omg. I kept imagining a sassy fingersnap xD
It seems like this is going to be staple “hard” song of the album so far - which is peachy-keen in my book, holy shit. Gahhh it sounds really awesome - a little reminiscent of PSYCHOPATH with the backing screams for me, but that’s not a bad thing :D I might just be making these connections because I’m truly trying to see how this album is a continuation, a more complex “part two” and it’s interesting to try and see where those intertwining threads lay.
Required Malfunction
Ohhh it sounds like a video game *A*
The little “woohoo” and “aha”s are really interesting~ This song is definitely riddled with distorted effects (and that pesky vocoding lol), but I think it works this time around. And, now that I know the entire album isn’t based solely on electro, I’m more open to the idea.
I think it’s this song that really encompasses the GazettE’s growth in this new direction they’re experimenting in. It’s more focused, less all over the place, less 'oh-hey-let’s-try-this-now-and-this'. It’s more polished and incorporates more than just the “new” sound. It’s a (so far) wondrous blend and it has me, a person who generally abhors electro (since I always see it overused and gahhhhh), panting for just a few more seconds of preview.
I pretty much summed it up in those last few lines up there, but these previews have completely went above and beyond my original expectations. I was so, so anxious about pre-ordering this album (but in the end I caved because I have no self-control with these guys…) and I honestly had a really low outlook for it… Like, really low. Probably only because I didn’t want to be disappointed again.
AND I’M NOT, YAY! Of course, there’s only so much we can tell from 30 secs, but I really think this is going to be a solid album. It sounds very cohesive (and awesomesaucelikeholyshit) to me.
It’s not another TOXIC, it’s not another DIM.
So! Tell me your thoughts! Your comments are always so much more cohesive and lovely than whatever I prattle on about up here xD
What do you guys think about the electro; does it bother you or do you embrace it? Is it not as bad as you thought? Has it changed your mind about electro at all?
And any particular favorites? I personally have to go with Yoin and Dripping Insanity, although I'm sure I'll be switching back and forth, haha. Honestly, there is not one song where that I feel "meh" over. SO YAY.