Title: Remember To Breathe After This
Pairing: Aoi/Hitsugi
Genre: Romance, angst
Synopsis: He always apologizes before it happens.
Notes: For cahnoportamalas over on tumblr <3
He always apologizes right before it happens - the bite of cold metal prodding Aoi’s chapped bottom lip, spikes softly poking their shy hello’s. He whispers sorry into Aoi’s mouth over and over, but the elder is too busy swallowing each syllable and pant to listen - pale hands reaching up to grasp pink roots and hold-on-stay.
Aoi always tugs, always pushes, because maybe he wants it to hurt - wants metallic bruises and sore hips and crimson breaths - but Hitsugi is too soft, knows too much. He has seen the insomnia-hollowed eyes and empty apartment. The wan smirks and broken jokes -
‘Have you already forgotten about me?’
- he has felt the way Aoi arches into his hand with wet gasps and how he seizes his wrist tight enough to leave morning bruises (remember-me-please-please) - has heard the hushed whimpers against his shoulder when the other is sure he is asleep-gone.
So when Aoi begins to shake apart, starts to beg for oblivion, Hitsugi holds his jagged shards together tightly,
promises quietly along his trembling jaw, “I’ll never - ”
because I’ll always -
A/N: First time with these two (am I sensing a theme here? XD). I'm surprised there aren't more Hitsu/Aoi fics... No one can deny their Twitter romance~
Hope you all enjoyed!