Stole this shamelessly from the lovely
zombiebonicz :D
01: Which is your favorite fic?
This question is way too hard, haha. I was inspired some way or other to write each one of my fics -- and it's difficult to place one on a higher pedestal than the rest, you know? But... I suppose for the sake of making this meme interesting... Violet Pulse, a timeline-fic detailing Uruha and Aoi's relationship from age eight to twenty-seven. I'm a tad biased since it's the first chaptered story I've ever written for the fandom. Plus, it was a request-fic, so I was really happy to be able to fulfill it and make someone happy :)
02: Which is your best-received fanfic?
Hmm. Well, if we're basing this solely on reviews...
Amongst the oneshots I've written: Golly Sandra -- a crack-fic that includes a determined (if not slightly randy) Uruha, an exasperated Reita, a scarred (if not slightly molested) Kai, and a devious tactic of footsie -- is probably the most well-received XDD. Ragamuffin (another crack, this time poking fun at Uruha and Aoi's fashion sense) and Ad Astra (an introspective based off a moment between Aoi and Uruha in Tokyo Dome) are the runner-ups :P
Amongst the chaptered fics: Violet Pulse and In Teeth
03: Which is your worst-received fanfic?
Ahh, worst-received... I've never gotten any outright flames or overly negative reviews, but I did get a hefty review of constructive criticism for When These Fists Are Grenades (a fic where Reita gives Ruki a bass lesson and turns out to be a really crappy/unprofessional teacher). It's one of my older pieces that I now cringe at because of its tangled web of run-ons and serious case of adjective-abuse... So, I thank that reviewer wholeheartedly! They helped me to revise my style so I can produce things that are less likely to make readers' eyes bleed :DD
04: Which is your most angsty fic?
Without a doubt, These Breaths. I didn't want to write so much the actual break-up of a couple, but the feelings/thoughts/emotions that go through them when it happens and afterwards. I thought it was important to be very vague about what could have caused the initial separation and instead let the reader focus on the "morning-after" effect -- to just ride those emotions with the characters. It was exhausting to write.
05: Which is your funniest fic?
Golly Sandra (in my opinion haha). It was seriously so much fun to write. I enjoyed doing an Uruha narrative -- though, I did make him out to be slightly crazed... But love will do that to you, I guess XD
06: Smuttiest?
This meme made me realize I write like... no smut XDD Anyways, that award would go to That's What You Say When You're Falling Down. My first ever fic for the GazettE fandom. I really should start delving into some smut-infested waters ('oh you're so wet'). I just personally think there are others out there who can write it sooo much better than I could. I tend to get all red-faced and giggly when I type out certain *cough* actions XD. Welp. Practice makes perfect, yes? oh yes
07: Fluffiest?
(I read so much of it, yet write so little of it) Lion is on its way to becoming the fluffiest thing I've ever written. How could it not with a chibi!Uruha and flustered!Reita? :3
Paris Syndrome is also pretty fluffy -- what with Pon taking pictures of a grumpy bassist and all :DD
08: Have you ever made someone cry with a fic?
I think I might have -- it's really flattering when readers tell me so, and yet I feel guilty for making them cry in the first place *^^*
Ad Astra, Sunrise in Aries, and These Breaths earned the most tears, I think ;;
09: Which fic frustrates you the most?
My older fics. Whenever I look back at them, I seriously cringe, haha! I want to go back and tweak them all over the place so bad. I might do that with When These Fists Are Grenades soon. Just for my own piece of mind XD
10: Which fic was the most fun to write?
Ahh, Golly Sandra! I was cracking up the entire time. I think it helped that it was based on something that actually happened to me (read: victim of accidental footsie).
And, weirdly enough, it was really fun to write Orionis. Totally a sadist when it comes to Aoi/Uruha, haha. I don't know though -- it was just cool to write something subtle with its heartbreak, in a different way. I like quiet angst :P
11: Who is your favorite OC that you've ever created?
I don't think I have any for this fandom (...or any at all for that matter) O.o
12: Are you better at oneshots or multi-parts?
*is a oneshot whore*
I used to think I stuck to oneshots because I couldn't keep up with an actual plot -- but now I think it's just because I enjoy delving deep into one scene, one moment, one breath in time, and bringing out all the emotions the character(s) are experiencing. That, and I'm restless; I can't stick to one thing when so many other ideas are pummeling me sometimes :P There are a few plot bunnies in my head that could become multi-chap stories, but for now I'm sticking to what I love best :)
13: Which character do you think you're the best at portraying?
Welp, the thing about this is, it's difficult to truly capture these men since we are only given glimpses of their personalities through twitter, radio, blogs, etc. Therefore, we can only create a "voice". With that in mind, I suppose my best portrayal is Aoi -- solely based on the fact that I've written more for him than the others. Aoi, himself, however is so complex (goof, workaholic, musician, charmer, jester...) that I don't think I'll ever capture him completely ^^;
14: What character is most difficult to portray?
Kai and Reita. I've shamefully neglected poor Kai in my fics... He's more than the "mother-hen" authors love to write him as (where did that even come from anyway? Him cooking French toast that one time??) and more than the forgetful leader and the dimpled-innocent. I love when fics dive deeper into his character and hopefully I'll grab hold of introspective-inspiration for him soon! I've written more for Reita, but I personally feel like I haven't found the voice for him yet.
I've been pretty biased it seems... *stares at the mountain of Aoi & Uruha fics* I shall remedy this! one of these days..