a_facility ;|| application

Nov 22, 2011 00:18

OOC Information:

Name: Ban
Age: 19
AIM: banana.andthena
E-MAIL: banana.andthena@gmail.com
Are you new? If not, list your current characters: Spirit Albarn

IC Information:

Name: Reever Wenham
Fandom: D.Gray-Man
Timeline:Chapter 209
Age: 27
Blond hair, blue eyes, and 6 ft. tall!

Reever is a scientist; he majors in Linguistics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Since there is no other information that D.G-M manga-ka, Katsura Hoshino, has given about his Linguistics background, the information following is arranged by me: ancient scripts are his areas of expertise (historical linguisitics). Reever can also understand and speak, to a certain degree, Middle East languages such as Arabic, Persian, and Turkish, due to his time spent in the Middle East Branch. Same goes for French and Spanish.

For someone who spends most of his time in the laboratories and at his desk, he is actually athletic. His aim and eyesight are sharp- this is attributed to his interest: marksmanship. Reever is capable of building and wielding various models of guns (and laser guns) with accuracy.

On his introduction, Reever seems laid back. His often crumpled clothes and boyishly-rugged looks carry an affable air that allows his fellow coworkers and subordinates to be at ease around and with him. This isn’t far from the truth; Reever is a loyal, compassionate, sentimental (his grandmother sewed a St. Christopher’s medal on the back of his necktie and has been wearing it since), and emotional person. He’s even labelled as a “good-two-shoes” by the character book (Komui teases him a lot because of it), and therefore is always available for help.

As a Section Chief of Science Division, he is capable of being a leader fit for his position: focused, devoted, logical and mature. Because Reever does take his work seriously, sleep is a luxury. He can usually be found toiling in the laboratories, the multiple Science offices, or Komui’s office, persevering through the mounds of never-ending work despite his complaints.

Fortunately for his subordinates, Reever’s patience level is high; however, this is often strained by the actions and antics of Supervisor Komui Lee. The only time he resorts to violence (i.e. a punch to the head) is when Komui is being particularly… energetic.

Finally, Reever loves his Order family. Don’t mess with them because he will protect and defend them-even at the cost of his life.

Before Reever became the section chief, he was a member of the Middle East branch. It was unknown when he met or transferred to the European branch (HQ), but most likely it wasn’t too long after Komui became the new Supervisor. Family-wise, we know that Reever has a grandmother. It’s unknown whether or not his parents are alive, or if he has any siblings.

Reever was first seen around the third chapter, doing surveillance duty. He was the first person to talk to Exorcist Allen Walker, though this was done through a golem as he and Supervisor Komui Lee (as well as a few of the science division members and Lenalee) asses Allen through the live video feed. Few days later, he’s seen helping Komui with his work; it’s not hard to assume that Reever is Komui’s slave bitch secretary in addition to his duties as chief of Science division.

When one of Komui’s robots, Komurin II, went on a rampage, Reever was running for his life with an unconscious Exorcist Lenalee Lee in his arms. He met up with Allen and a Finder, and the four continued to escape the deadly clamps of the out of control robot. After a series of destructions that made readers wonder how those scientists are still alive, Lenalee woke up and kicked Komurin II (and her brother) into submission. In the aftermath, Reever and other members of the Order were repairing the place.

The Noahs were on the move, taking down six of the Exorcists and hundreds of Finders. With Komui in command, Reever continued with his duties after mourning for the loss of their friends and comrades. He also gave his supervisor a report of one missing Exorcist Suman Dark. When Lenalee calls in for an update, Komui revealed that Suman was a traitor; Reever explained point-blank to confused scientist Johnny Gill what it means for an Exorcist to Fall, which was what happened to Suman for betraying the Order's cause.

Later when Hevlaska reacted to an Exorcist’s Innocence resonance going past 100%, Reever affirmed Komui’s suspicion that Allen was most likely that Exorcist who achieved "critical point".

After the Edo arc, Allen, the other Exorcists, and two Generals, Exorcists who reached critical point (resonate level with his or her Innocence is at 100% and over) return to HQ. A branch-wide meeting between the branch chiefs and Central’s Chief Inspector was held there not long after, mostly concerning the discovery of General Cross Marian and Allen’s connection the 14th Noah. In the meantime, Reever busied himself with research on an akuma egg brought into the Order from Edo.

Unfortunately, the Millennium Earl sent one of his Noahs, Lulu Bell, to retrieve the egg; she infiltrated the Order, found the location of the egg, and had a hoard of akumas invade the area the egg was kept in, after enclosing the area in a barrier to prevent disruptions as she worked on transferring the egg back to the Earl’s side. Reever and a few other scientists managed to hide before the akumas captured them, but in return they had to witness their friends and comrades get either eaten or turned into Skulls (Earl’s minions that work with magic). Reever, horrified and angered at what’s happening to his men, shot one of the Skulls in the head and revealed himself; the Skull didn’t die (it seems that, like akumas, they can’t be killed by ordinary means) and attempted to turn Reever into one of them. Allen stopped the process by slicing the Skull’s arm off before anything could happen to the section chief.

Despite the Exorcists and Generals that arrived to save the survivors, Reever, two Branch Heads, and the few remaining scientists stayed to help where they can; they worked together to get Johnny out of a level 3 akuma’s grip. While they were able to save Johnny, the akuma absorbed two scientists in the process and became a level 4 akuma. The akuma caused an explosion, burying the surviving scientists and Branch Head Bak Chan under rubble before Allen could save them.

As Allen and Lenalee teamed up to defeat the level 4 akuma, Komui received a call from Reever, indicating that they’re still alive. Thanks to Exorcist Miranda Lotto’s time shield, they were able to avoid getting crushed. Allen and Lenalee destroyed the akuma, the scientists were pulled out from the rubble, and more mourning for lost lives followed. This loss hit Reever particularly hard because scientist Tapp Dopp was a close subordinate/friend.

Few days later, during the Order’s transfer to a new location, gradually everyone in the European branch turned into a zombie. This was due to a vengeful ghost(s?) of an experimented candidate Exorcists used in human experiments before Reever's arrival. Reever’s body was taken over and tied up Komui and Lenalee. When the ghost’s threat to kill Reever didn’t work on Komui, she transferred over to Lenalee’s body and took full control. Komui and Reever met up with Allen and others who weren’t zombies (yet), and tried to figure out a way to cure everyone (they weren’t actually turned into zombies; an experimental drink resulted in the consumer turning into a zombie-like person). Reever wasn’t able to see it happen to the end because he pushed Komui out of the way and became a zombie.

[Asia Branch Head Bak Chan found the cure. HQ is in his debt. I think.]

In the new location of the Order, Reever is the Head Chief of Science Department’s First Division. Two other men, Regory Peck and Mark Barrows, are the Chief of Second and Third Division respectively. According to Johnny, the two other chiefs were bullying Reever; said man was just dealing with the situation, as if it were an everyday occurrence.

Komui was assigned a secretary by Central, Bridget Fey. Reever isn’t his slave anymore, BOOOO yay! Yet somehow he still finds himself helping Fey with her job. Sob.

Months later, because of lack of members, Reever and his mysterious bodyguards were sent to bail out some finders and scientist Jiji Lejun so they can provide aid to Allen's team who were under attack by a level 4 akuma. The battle was over by the time they arrive and remove the barriers placed around the building Allen was in. Reever sent an order for aid to the injured and ill children.

Back in the Order, it’s revealed that Reever’s mysterious bodyguards are called Third Generation Exorcists. They were CROW (Central’s elite fighting force) members combined with akuma DNA. Thirds are capable of fighting against akumas, but unlike the Exorcists with Innocence capable of releasing the trapped souls inside the akuma, Thirds destroy the soul.

It is winter, and the chiefs of the Science Department, as well as their assistants, are in the North America Branch. There the truth is revealed to the readers about Exorcist Yu Kanda: he is a second generation Exorcist created by recycling the souls of deceased Exorcists. Alma Karma is introduced as the other Second, sealed away in North America and used as a “womb” for creating Thirds.

The Earl invaded the NA Branch and brings with him a few Noahs. Allen arrived to the North America Branch due to Tyki baiting him, and discovers that Reever and the other scientists, plus Chief Inspector Leverrier and Branch Heads Rene Epstein and Bak Chan, are used as hostages.

Massive fight/revenge/angst ensued.

Fortunately, Reever managed to survive another invasion. Unfortunately, the result of the North America Branch has left Allen thrown into the Order’s detention cell. Despite the odds stacked against them, Reever and the other science members strived to find a way to help Allen.

And for the third time, Noahs entered the Order-this time to save Allen. Allen escaped from his cell and was labelled a traitor.

Three months after Allen’s escape, Reever discovered the Johnny has been working out to resign from the Order to help his ill grandmother. This was a cover story for his true intentions: leave the Order to help Allen. Reever understood how Johnny felt and, after some yelling and crying, agreed to sign Johnny’s resignation form.

Roleplay Sample - Log:
All Reever hears is a whoosh, a loud thump, and a shatter of glass. The last one is the loudest sound of them all. Maybe it is because Lenalee gave that blue mug with the eternally smiling rabbit named Yoshi to her brother as a present.

“Supervisor! Are you alright?” Johnny asks. Reever thinks Komui obviously does not look alright. He’s pale and wide-eyed.

“What happened?!” Tapp asks. Reever thinks of Lenalee and wonders if this relates to her somehow.

“I just moved too quickly and slipped, that’s all.” Komui answers. Reever thinks of him as liar; he’s seen the supervisor slip before, but he’s never seen that expression on his face: a look of bewilderedness, of a sudden sense of loss, of a hint of panic.

It doesn’t suit him.

The fallen supervisor is already picking himself back up, and picks up the shards of the broken mug as well. He carries and cradles each piece in his hand with a delicate touch that aches to watch.

So Reever orders Tapp to grab a broom and pan. He tells Pete to grab some towels to mop the spilt coffee with. Johnny’s helping Komui, and so Reever leaves it to Russell to find a small bag for the broken mug. He himself cleans the stained papers. The ink is running, colors are blending into each other; the writing is gone, non-existent. The once clear edges and fine black lines of each characters are now a blur. There is something about this that leaves Reever feeling uncomfortable.

All of their Exorcists, sans two Generals and Allen, are heading to Japan. Reever’s fretting like a mother hen again. They’re all worried and concerned about what could happen, but no one is more so than Komui.

Reever remains quiet as he throws the ruined documents, scraps, or whatever they were into the garbage. He holds the pan for Tapp, who sweeps the unseen into safety. He helps Pete, back from his errand, wipe the remains of the quickly cooling black liquid. The mug is safely put into the clear bag Russell returned with. Komui thanks them all and places Yoshi (YoshiYoshiYoshi, not Lenalee because Lenalee will come back in one beautiful piece) into his drawer.

When the rest of the core team resumes their task, blue eyes attempt to meet dark eyes.

They don’t. Reever understands.

He opens his mouth and continues to nag at his supervisor to return a semblance of normalcy.

Roleplay Sample - Journal; in-person:

(Reever strides down the hall, both confused and irate. Where is he? Obviously this isn’t the Order. He doubts this is a holding cell as well, especially after the news of Johnny and Kanda labelled as rogue members of the Order. Hopefully Komui isn’t blamed for that-Reever was the one who released Johnny from his duties, despite the rumours of him defecting even before he was labelled as a traitor. He can handle his punishment.

Oh, a stranger!)

Excuse me, do you know where I am?

This game includes horrible mental and physical torture of your character. After reading the rules/faq for clarification, how do you expect your character to handle this and continue to function?

Reever, despite being an emotional person, can handle it, with some help from his friends. Since the Facility doesn’t jump straight into the terrible experiments, he’ll gradually become acclimated to being trapped in a mad house. He’ll trudge through what’s happening with determination because it’s how he is.

application, *a_fac

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