This update is gonna be so random! Basically because I let photos acumulate on my camera and lose track of thing I wanted to post related to those pictures!
Anyway! this week I watched The Tourist with the guys. And I took some pictures of my outfit~
(Gonna post them on the Gyaru comm. on orkut later!)
I wanted to keep the makeup really simple since blue hair + bright greenish yellow leopard top + bubblegum pink giant purse seemed enough!
What do you think?
The movie itself wasn't a big deal, realy. I left the room like
because I have the feeling they wasted a really badass couple on this so, so empty! movie. Totally about:blank feelings about it, indeed.
Nata and Clarisse slept over that day!
I have pictures here but they would kill me if I posted, haha~
As for my hair care! I don't know if I posted this here - no, I probably didn't - but my hair is currently BLUE! Me, Dude and Iza went to the whole thing by ourselves here at home so, of course, my hair died in the process!
So I counter-attacked by hydrating my hair every other day and now it's finally alive. The point is, this week I went to buy new products and well~ I just felt like posting a "step by step" of how I'm taking care of my blue head lately!
Just gonna post everything I purchased that day and then you can click the LJ-cut if you want!
Point! Mostly those are products found at Brazilian drugstores, so that's why the names might look weird. But I'm sure it's easy to find similar ones wherever.
Reducteur, WF cosmetics. - an aminoacid based mascara that reduces hair volume and gives this glossy shine. / Make up remover, Vult - but this one is for the eye area, so it's more creamy. / False eyelashes, Fing'rs. / Nail extensors, First Kiss - you glue'em to the tip of your nail! / Hair mascara, Aquaflora - straightening effect. / Hair Shampoo & Conditioner, Aquaflora. / Liquid soap, exfoliant, Clean&Clear. / Hair vitamin, Aquaflora - "Fluido concentrado reestruturante". / "B5" hair vitamin. / Corrective hair serum, C.Kamura - de-frizz silicon used for heat-protection! / Yellow nail polish, Risque. / 3D glittery nail polish, ULTIMATE 3D TOP Beauty.
And if you wanna know about the step by step hair care, follow the cut!
― Um recipiente não metálico.
A non-metallic recipient.
― Máscara de hidratação que você preferir. (Máscara Aquaflora, efeito liso.)
Hair mascara of choice.
― Um copo d'água.
A glass of whater.
― Maizena. :D
Corn amid.
― Ampolas de vitamina. (Opcional)
Hair vitamin. (Optional)
― Uma panela.
A pan.
Step 1:
― Pegue a medida de uma colher de maizena; se seu cabelo for muito longo, use um pouco mais.
You're gonna need one spoon of the corn amid; in case your hair is longer use more.
― Misture com a medida de água na panela.
Mix it with the water on the pan.
Step 2:
― Ligue em fogo médio e vá mexendo até ter essa consistencia. A maizena empola com muita facilidade então não pare de mexer! Não se preocupe porque engrossa rapidinho.
Turn on the fire on medium and go mixing until you archive this texture. Don't stop mixing or else it will turn gross! But don't worry, it get's thick pretty quick.
Step 3:
― Ponha a maizena no recipiente de plastico. É nesse ponto que você mistura a vitamina e qualquer outro agente que você quiser. Bepantol liquido, açucar (pra deixar mais liso), azeite (pra dar mais brilho), essas coisas...
Put the mixture on the plastic recipient. At this point you can add the hair vitamin or everything else you want like liquid bepantol, a spoon of sugar (for straightening effect), olive oil (for shine), stuff like that...
― Adicione o creme hidratante. Pode por um pouco menos do que a medida que você usa no seu cabelo.
Add the hair mascara; a little less of what you would use on your hair alone.
― ... Misture!
Mix everything!
Step 4:
― Molhe o seu cabelo para que a hidratação tenha mais efeito.
Wet your hair so the cream can work better.
― Seque o excesso.
Dry off the excess.
― E agora vá dividindo mexa por mexa do cabelo, passando o creme, e massageando. Começe de baixo pra cima pra dar mais tempo do negocio fazer efeito.
Section your hair, go in with the cream, and massage. Start from bottom-up so it gives more time for the cream to rest there.
Step 5:
― Ponha a toca...
Put a hair cap on...
―... E mofe por meia hora.
...And chill like a villain for half an hour.
― Dai é só lavar o cabelo!
Then you just wash your hair!
Step 6 - Optional:
― Depois que eu lavei o cabelo, passei o silicone (C.Kamura), sequei com secador e aí fiz chapinha. Eu não sei se dá pra ver na foto mas meu cabelo 'tá bem mais macio, soltinho e bem, bem brilhante! Eu sei que daria pra ver melhor se eu gravasse num video mas, ai, preguiça.
After I washed my hair, I blow-dryed it and used the straightening iron. My hair feels really soft and shiny!.
Essa é a rotina de hidratação do meu cabelo nas ultimas semanas; ele realmente melhorou bastante e num periodo bem curto. Mas dessa ultima vez, eu adicionei um pouquinho do creme Reducteur na hidratação e senti que ele fez toda diferença. É um creme de selagem com um pouquinho de formol então ele ajuda a alisar e dá bastante brilho! Eu vou usar a cada quinze dias, senão meu cabelo vai desbotar muito rápido, mas, sério, esse eu recomendo!
Point! This is gonna be written in portuguese-english so no one is left out!
Bonus picture of Dude, me and Alex @ a Café! This was yesterday, haha~ Alex was wearing my sunglasses. I always shove'em on his face whenever we meet because I think it really suits him!
this was actually a long update! Bye!