beep beep!

Aug 06, 2004 05:00

at 8pm Kelly called re: Bram hints from Robi about a "super secret show" tonight featuring the formerly inactive Pylon downtown. Hyped of course, but through the proper underground channels (ha!). This show was so indie, the venue isn't really open yet (the manhattan two, bram actually built the place) but packed with Athens hipsters young and old.

The place was packed but the performance stellar. Loud, energetic, angular music written into exclaimation points. Beep beep@ Danger! Cool :) Five minutes... The guitarist and bassist were lean and wore cowboy hats and wife beaters and so rhythmically tight. The music builds from the ground up with one measure drum then bass patterns that use lots of 7ths and 4ths that quiver over sixteenth guitar open harmonic chords until a dark beauty starts wailing soundbites of two or three exasperations each.

Given what mr R has said and the little snippets of paper they gave out (for a mailing list at a new site) it looks as if they might start playing again on a semi-regular basis.

This was a surprising night. Afterwards we stopped in little italy and talked as Bram charmed a new prospective bella. And we saw the city from the top. And then we went home for more economic conversation. Thanks to everybody involved for the wonderful evening!

related entries because my blog is loose:
robi bram dayjob?

music, little kings, pylon, athens

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