Future Piotr Originally uploaded by
ravelite My colleague Piotr teaches a speech processing class, for which he recorded lots of speech samples as examples. During the semester, he got this message from a newly created hotmail account:
Hi Piotr,
I'm your future self, and I came here to reveal to you that in a near future you become a rock star and have millions of fans around the country. In order to prove it to you, I send you your first hit single, entitled
Se llamaba Piotr.
Please confirm you have recieved it. I must go back to the future real soon, or I'll disappear into the darkness of time!
Best regards,
Piotr from the future
which is pretty much the coolest student prank / weird compliment ever.
Piotr (future) tongue Originally uploaded by
ravelite He comments on the IP issue:
[Sure] ... although theoretically IP in this case is a bit complicated - the song is not mine because I did not make it. From the other side, the author does not want to reveal and he/she used my samples without permission - and theoretically my future self has written the song :). That means that the decision is mine :) ...
Happy birthday, Piotr!