Ah, happier times~!

Aug 24, 2009 20:52

Who: Roy Mustang, Open
What: Roy's experiment had results even he couldn't have anticipated...
Where: The streets of Town
When: After this event on Sunday
Warnings: Updated as needed

Then he'd remember everything about the explosion and where he lived, and even... what his name was. )

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shutupandduelme August 25 2009, 05:52:43 UTC
Coffee. Why was it that whenever the CEO had to get coffee, he always ran into someone he's rather not see? At least..Roy, right, that was what his name was, didn't seem to be looking for him. A mercy, that.

"So you came out of it not only alive but whole. Some people would call it a miracle," Kaiba said dryly as the other man passed him. "Though, most of those people wouldn't set explosions in their own apartments."


Took a while, gomen~ ^^;; col_roy_joseph August 27 2009, 00:17:39 UTC
"I'm sorry?" Roy turned, surprised, as the good-looking young man spoke. He glanced behind him, just to make certain he was the one being talked to, but there wasn't anyone else there. "Oh. Me?"

So the explosion had definitely been something purposeful then. But explosions were frightening things, weren't they? Most people were terrified of them -- and they certainly didn't happen in housing areas! But the young man with the disdainful look didn't seem the least bit alarmed. Maybe explosions were a regular occurrence in this neighborhood?

If that was the case, then he certainly he didn't live here. He would've known how to keep himself from getting banged on the head if he was used to blowing things up. Which he wasn't, and he certainly had no desire to become used to it ( ... )


S'okay! shutupandduelme August 27 2009, 02:14:50 UTC
Kaiba rolled his eyes. "Yes you, is there anyone else here?" His expression just got worse as Roy went on. Was the man drunk?

"I think you do know them, considering that it was your apartment and you recorded it for all the island to see," he replied, watching Roy's reactions. Something was off here. "Did your brain get fried along with it?"


col_roy_joseph August 27 2009, 03:40:39 UTC
"I did it?" He could only stare. There was no way he'd ever do anything like what he'd seen in that apartment. But if it hadn't been him, then why had he been the only person there?

His hand drifted upward to the now-faded bruise at his temple without his noticing it, and he frowned. "You... said I recorded the explosion? Do you have any proof? Is it in a notebook somewhere?"

He hadn't wanted to admit it to himself, but certain events and ... how they had happened... weren't settled properly in his mind. He'd thought that when he'd come outside and gotten a breath of fresh air his head would clear, but things were still foggy. Things were still... missing. Like...

Like his name, and who he was.


shutupandduelme August 27 2009, 03:56:05 UTC
Kaiba sighed and stepped toward him. "Fool, if you were drinking again, it's not my problem. I would show it to you right now, but unfortunately my L337POD has been stolen, and my computer is at home. If you go through the messages on your own, perhaps you will find it," he remarked coolly.

The brunet looked at Roy with a critical eye. The man really did seem..not himself, and Kaiba couldn't find an obvious explanation, other than damage from the explosion. It was a bit strange, really.


col_roy_joseph August 27 2009, 04:04:19 UTC
It was obvious even to someone as shaken as he was that this young man had no desire to help him. At least -- that's what it sounded like. But the young man had still moved closer, and spoken familiarly, and offered an explanation about why help was not available. It would seem... that they knew each other.

So this information was at the young man's house. It was something he was starting to fear, but wanted all the same. Had he set that explosion? Was this young man also a criminal, that he didn't mind it? Too many questions, and no answers. It was... it was frightening.

"If you have time," he said, trying hard not to sound anything but nonchalant, "would you mind showing it to me? I don't have a copy of the work, and I'd like to see it."


shutupandduelme August 27 2009, 06:42:54 UTC
Kaiba was never good with indecision, nor with staring. And the older man was certainly doing a lot of both. The CEO shifted to lean on one foot, then the other, watching Roy carefully all the while. He really wasn't responding in the way Kaiba expected him to...and that bothered him.

"I suppose I can," he said warily, "Though I do not understand why you won't do it yourself. Or are you just as incompetent with the L337POD as you are with everything else?" Kaiba sighed and held out his hand. "You will have to give me yours. I do not have mine."


col_roy_joseph August 27 2009, 23:57:21 UTC
He tried to draw associations between what was being asked for and what he knew. A pod? Was it a seed? A wallet? Slang for some kind of book or passport? Apparently it was something that could be used to write things down, or something you needed for travel, because the young man wanted it so that they could look at the data. But the young man's "elite pod" had been stolen, so he wanted another.

"I lost mine," he said, unhappy that he didn't know if that was the truth. He didn't have any pods that he knew of; he didn't even have identification. He'd checked his pockets on the way out of the building, and all he'd found was a silver watch. It didn't even have his name on it.

Maybe the watch was his only clue. Or maybe he really had blown up his own house, and now had nowhere to live. Was he homeless?

Don't panic. You'll figure it out. At the very least, there's that policewoman. She has to help you, she's a civil servant.Disappointment and worry flattened his features, save for a small crease between his brows. "Thanks anyway, ( ... )


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