Jul 25, 2008 19:29
Ahh at work at the moment. It is good and fun but the job makes me sad for some reasons.
Actually the only reason would be the pay xD The job itself is good, though not too many hours, but according to how much I am earning, my application to get a contract with Vodafone was declined.
It upset me a lot, firstly because of all the time and stuffing around I actually had to do to apply, and secondly it costs the same amount I spend per month of my pre-paid (and the Best Mates plan would mean I would most likely spend less and not use all the $310 credit.)
Sara cheered me up being a doofuss but it still upsets me, so now I don't have any credit till I get paid (irony =_=;). But my usually delicious Ozzie Tucker seemed to not taste as good today....
Oh wells I might just see at home if someone can apply for me and convince them that I would pay the bill.
work phone