If you could live anywhere, where would you and why?
I'm tempted to say in a holosuite, so that I'd never be bored and I could visit the mountains in the summer, the shore in the winter...but it wouldn't be real. And I can't think of any single physical location that would give me everything I want, otherwise...so I suppose it doesn't matter where I live, as long as it's very near a transporter and has access to a spacedock.
I want always to be able to travel across Bajor, to see Dakhur Province and the frontier in Koruna and the moons over Recantha...but lately I've been thinking that I really should see more of the quadrant. I meet people from all over, yet I've rarely been off the station except in crisis situations for the past several years. I'd like to see Earth as a tourist for a change, instead of being there on an urgent mission, and I told Odo that I would try to visit Lwaxana Troi on Betazed and explain to her what had happened to him. I'd even like to get to Q'onos to see Worf. I wonder whether I could bear to see Cardassia again...to see Garak, yes, perhaps, but it holds so many painful memories that I'm not sure the rebuilding could make it a pleasant experience.
Once again I am far behind on my correspondence; it has been a dreadfully busy week on the station. I wish that I could say it had been an exciting week; even having watched Captain Sisko for so many years, I had no concept of the amount of paperwork entailed in running things. Damar, I know I owe you several notes. I wish there were some way that communication between us could be easier...
Is this good? I need someone from Earth to tell me!
Which Disney Princess are you?