*raises browridge*legate_damarDecember 19 2004, 19:18:46 UTC
Rather date Riker? Why? He's so hairy...litterly...
Remarks witha confused look.
I thought with your preferences of humans you'd prefer someone less...scrubby...Goes to show what I know. Then again I generally prefer scales over soft leather skin so I suppose I shouldn't talk.
As for the meaning of "goth" ...You know I tried the encyclopedia on that one. It says it actually a time period in human history I think it was an art form too although they weren't clear on it. But Garak claims its wrong on both accounts and says its actually a fashion statement involving dark colors and an obsession with death and darkness...Although whose really correct on this one I can't say so I'll leave it up to you to decide.
Re: *raises browridge*col_kira_nerysDecember 19 2004, 22:06:31 UTC
I can't believe I never thought to ask you about Tom Riker before. He came to the station posing as his...twin? clone? transporter-malfunction duplicate?...at any rate, as Commander Riker. We took the Defiant out together, I very nearly fell for him. Then I discovered that he was working for the Maquis with the aim of proving that the Cardassians were arming. And he was right, but to avert the war he very nearly triggered, he gave himself up to the Obsidian Order and was imprisoned. I don't suppose you ever heard what became of him? Starfleet officially disavows all knowledge.
As for what's attractive about him...obviously you've never seen Riker, hairy or not. *smiles* Not the smartest officer I've ever met, but...
*blushes and shakes head at goth descriptions* Sometimes I forget how bizarre human culture can be.
Re: *raises browridge*legate_damarDecember 20 2004, 02:09:22 UTC
His expression grows dark at her words.
I imagine if he was taken into custody of the Obsidian Order he's probably no longer alive. Or if he was he was probably killed by the Dominion who weren't overly fond of our ideas of jurasticion. However if you like I can look into the matter further. Although I can't say you may like what I will find.
Just be grateful I'm not the jealous type he thinks to himself with a sigh. I could just as easily make his life even more miserable then it was before should he actually be alive. What is it with me and clones anyways? He thinks miserably.
Re: *raises browridge*col_kira_nerysDecember 20 2004, 03:44:47 UTC
For the sake of closure, I would like to know...I'm frankly astonished that Starfleet never pressed the issue. Tom believed that he was an inconvenience to them -- one Riker too many -- and didn't really expect anyone to defend him.
I've since met William Riker...I must say that while he's a charming man, he doesn't have quite the devilish appeal of his evil twin...
Re: *raises browridge*legate_damarDecember 20 2004, 04:03:00 UTC
Damar expression grows concerned as he finds himself actually relating to this 'clone', knowing all too well what it's like to have the universe standing against him. His thoughts resolute he replies.
When you put it like that, I really have no choice but to see what happened to him. I'm shocked that the Federation didn't attempt to intervine on his part. Being all pro-justice and all.
He states obviously not impressed with the Earth government.
I will certainly look into the matter and keep you informed.
He smirks.
Evil? From what you've told me abuot him he seems more like a rebel then someone 'wicked' if anything he sounds like someone I could get along well with.
Re: *raises browridge*col_kira_nerysDecember 22 2004, 15:46:03 UTC
You know, I wouldn't have made the connection, but now that you mention it, you do remind me of him. Without the facial hair of course. He gave up a position in Starfleet to fight for what he thought was right. On the other hand, he might not appreciate the comparison to a Cardassian, given where his loyalties lay...
Remarks witha confused look.
I thought with your preferences of humans you'd prefer someone less...scrubby...Goes to show what I know. Then again I generally prefer scales over soft leather skin so I suppose I shouldn't talk.
As for the meaning of "goth" ...You know I tried the encyclopedia on that one. It says it actually a time period in human history I think it was an art form too although they weren't clear on it. But Garak claims its wrong on both accounts and says its actually a fashion statement involving dark colors and an obsession with death and darkness...Although whose really correct on this one I can't say so I'll leave it up to you to decide.
As for what's attractive about him...obviously you've never seen Riker, hairy or not. *smiles* Not the smartest officer I've ever met, but...
*blushes and shakes head at goth descriptions* Sometimes I forget how bizarre human culture can be.
I imagine if he was taken into custody of the Obsidian Order he's probably no longer alive. Or if he was he was probably killed by the Dominion who weren't overly fond of our ideas of jurasticion. However if you like I can look into the matter further. Although I can't say you may like what I will find.
Just be grateful I'm not the jealous type he thinks to himself with a sigh. I could just as easily make his life even more miserable then it was before should he actually be alive. What is it with me and clones anyways? He thinks miserably.
I've since met William Riker...I must say that while he's a charming man, he doesn't have quite the devilish appeal of his evil twin...
When you put it like that, I really have no choice but to see what happened to him. I'm shocked that the Federation didn't attempt to intervine on his part. Being all pro-justice and all.
He states obviously not impressed with the Earth government.
I will certainly look into the matter and keep you informed.
He smirks.
Evil? From what you've told me abuot him he seems more like a rebel then someone 'wicked' if anything he sounds like someone I could get along well with.
He should take the compliment for what its worth.
Goes more serious.
I imagine it couldn't have been easy for him, I wish I could have been as quick as he was to learn the truth about what was to come.
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