It's Business, It's Business Time!

Jun 13, 2009 01:26

Hello all,

I recently received a Baronial Award - the Sun's Ray. I'm inordinately proud of this award, which is given for consistent courtesy. I' even more proud, and embarrassed, by all of the people who came up to me and told me who worthy I was of the award - though obviously not embarrassed enough to brag about it, as you can see!

An effect of this award is that it has filled me with a desire to be worthy of what I see as an not-really-deserved honour, and be a preachy bastard (as japester and countessdeweird were subjected to recently). Ego and courtesy don't really seem to sit well, hand-in-hand, so I guess I'll just have to work more on the former to allow the latter. This post isn't really helping that but hey, 2/3 of a bottle of Johnny Walker Black had to go *somewhere*!

In an attept to move towards making a 1350ish gambeson (current plan is 2 layers of the silk hemp I have in the shed as padding), I had Wendy wrap up my torso in glad-wrap, followed by masking tape last night. This was working pretty well, until I realised that a) I could not breath and b) we were out of masking tape. a) was solved by cutting up the front, sucking in air, and adding more glad-wrap and tape, while b was solved with some cheap-ass silver duct tape I have had the the drawer for about 2 years.

In the end, I know have a tape-patten that I need to transfer to material as a test-go for a cotehardie, which will itself be a test-go for the gambeson.

On a parting note, to echo the current them - if there is something you feel you should know about me that you don't, please ask and I WILL answer truthfully.
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