Jun 19, 2005 12:24
why hello there how are you doing?
so lets see here
wednesday i went swimming with maurya after my mom and i got into a really scary fight
so we went to the gs hole and we were like hmm its really cold and just being like doo doo doo whats up swim alone...
NOT ALONE... so these guys and two girls pull up and all of a sudden these two dogs come running up, jump into the water followed by this really skinny black guy who reminded me so much of the guy from outkast with the umbrella... he was like "is the wata cold?"
then this really chinese mom looking girl and some other one come up followed by these 3 other guys all ready to take a dip... except none of the guys got in.. the random chicks did and the dudes kept asking us if we were going to get our hair wet.. it was soo awkward! so basically we just swam and then went over to a rock and tanned, and so finally when they were about to leave the guys asked us for our numbers.. and we were like ummm.. lets give them our friends.. so i gave them walkers, and maurya gave them lizs...
but after we did we felt really bad because they were so nice and ghetto.. terell and PETEy..
haha then big blue did somethin really mean and told them the truth and made them hate us..
so that night i went to a play with mymom at live arts called "tom jones"
it was sooo good.. mary and carrie meslar were in it.. people that ive known since i was liek 8
and we ate at this realy random place called fusion dt because it was empty and the guy was like COME ON IN ILL MAKE YOU SOME PORTABELLA.. so then we drove home with our hair "blowin in the wind~ and i talked to brad til 2 am...
then the next day was thursday... and i was still grounded... so i went to work and talked to liyaz on the phone til 3 am.. and i really decided that i need to stop talking so late..
so maurya and walker came over and we went to sugar hollow(its like the only thing that im allowed to do while im "grounded")
so we packed a HUGE ass picnic and hiked on up to this really cool swimming hole with rocks the size of a house, and waterfalls that u can slide down. so there were these really cool people there.. a dad and a son named HUNTER and he jumped off this huge rock like ten times..
so we swam and i climbed up this HUGE 50 FOOT CLIFF to get to this cave thing.
walker was freaking out and i fell on the way up to it i fell and did a split.
so we liek tanned and played marco polo and the kid grabbed walkers boob and ass... he was really cool up until then.. haha
so we stayed for so long and it was soo good! then i went to my dads for fathers day
and saturday we went boating at this really cool place called douthat state park.. and i kinda sucked at rowing and made us go in a lot of circles, but thats okay because i got buff and tan... then my bro and i hung out at his house for awhile and i went for a little runny run and tanned the bod!
then we left, and i went to mauryas, and we picked up walker and went dt.
so we chillaxed and ate SO MUCH FOOD and i had pancakes that were like the size of my face
and ice cream and this REALLY SCARY MEXICAN MAN came up to us while we were jsut sitting minding our own business outside, and he was liek HEY im tryin to get a bus ticket and its only 2 dollars
and so maurya was like okay heres some change and he was like oh thankyou ladies, and we thought he was going to leave, but no he kept talking with his huge tatoos in my face
and he was liek hey im looking for a woman, do you think i could get one?
he was liek do i have a body? and i was like wellllllllll everybody has a body, unless your crippled or soemthing. and he was like u think i have a good body? and we were like YEAH definitely.. and walker was cracking up the whole time and he was in my face and he was like holding his crotch
and finally he was liek how old are yall?
i was liek 15... and he was like BYE
it was soo funny/scary
we saw amba and christi and kevin.. and amba we need to go swimming G!
and we saw ALLIE..that hottie who has mono maybe :( and nick who was like so different, and the utah kid and other random dt people
so we were wasting time to go see this show.. it was at coup de ville and the band was called "think"
and the manager of jubeus told me about it and he wanted to fix me uo with the lead guitarist or someone WOOT... so we get in the car ready to drive to the corner and we were liek ut oh why are the headlights not working? but the streetlights were bright enough that we just kept driving and this dude was liek TURN ON UR LIGHTS DRUNKIE and we were like omg and we got to the place and there was liek no parking and so many people were liek turn on ur headlights! so we pulled into this random alley parking lot place that was really sketch and maurya called her mom. so then finally the lights turned on, but we didnt get to go to the show, which really sucked, but at least we werent liek raped or pulled over by the cops.. haha
so then i got ip relayed so much by liz and it was so funny..
then i went to bed at liek 130.. talkin to that blue jay for so long
so today i woke up at liek 7 fricken AM and went ti church, then took a nap, and went to work
so now im trying to figure out how im getting to wakows recital!