Dec 23, 2005 22:53
You don't realize how often you go to the bathroom every day until you have to use crutches to get there. Or how much you value your ability to put on pants until you have to put them on inch by inch.
Or how great drinking a beer sounds until you realize you've been doped up on narcotic drugs for the past three days and drinking a beer might just might kill you.
But I do realize how important my family is to me especially at a time like this. Particularly my sister who's home on break and takes care of me and does things she doesn't have to (like go to work to get my paycheck and go to the bank to deposit it and stuff like that there). I say I appreciate it but it goes beyond appreciation because without her I'd be shit out of luck with so many basic things you take for granted especially since I woke her up about five times last night.
If my ankle doesn't hurt, it's the rest of my body that's sore.