
Jun 04, 2008 18:40

I had a meeting with my new boss today, to talk about motivation - something he's doing with all his new staff.
Some where in the middle of this he pulled out a peice of paper that was meant to have some details about me - training, education, pay etc. He pulled out the wrong one, he pulled out the paper about my colleague, Ian. Ian started about 6 months ago, with a similer level of education, less relevent training than me, is a couple of years younger than me and is in a slightly junior posistion.
He's getting paid 10% more than me.
I've been with the company for 8 years.

Right now I'm planning on taking friday off, trawling the temp agencies and handing in my notice on monday.
Sure, the temping wont pay as well as what I'm getting, but I have to draw the line some-where before my self respect vanishes all together. Besides, not travelling to Theale will make up for a bit of the pay cut

My other thought is to look into what constitues contructive dismissal. I think between this and the lack of advertising for the new managers post (I didn't find out I was getting a new manager until he was already hired) I may have a case. If I can be bothered.

Also : I've learned that emotionally distancing yourself from something isn't something you can just do and then lie back and reap the benifits - It's an ongoing process that has to be maintained, otherwise you fall back into detremental ways of thinking.
Quite an important lesson I guess, so it's a good thing I learned this in a reletively harmless way.

comments off. I'm in no mood for advice or sympathy.
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