i hate boys.

Jan 04, 2009 12:39

So over this weekend that I spent with my darling Nikki <3 I realized that there are a lot of things that cause me anxiety...

1. The car wash place
2. Being surrounded by people that speak a language other than english
3. Getting full service at the gas station.
4. Having to pay with cash inside at the gas station.
5. Being at an intersection with another car and telling them to go, but they won't go, and then just sitting there until they go.
6. Asking for help in most stores.
7. People knowing that I like them.
8. Airports... not airplanes... Airports.
9. Getting lost.
10. Policeman.
11. Suffolk County.
12. The DMV wait line.
13. Doctors office wait time.
14. Figuring out tips in restaurants & taxis.
15. Passing by landscapers.
16. Waiting at a red light directly next to another car.
17. When I glance quickly at someone and then they look at me and assume that I have been staring at them for a long time and then they give me that look.
18. Trying on clothes at the mall.
19. Returning things in stores.
20. Awkward silences or finding yourself with nothing to say to someone.
21. Not knowing whether it is appropriate to hug or kiss someone on the cheek when saying hello or goodbye to them.
22. Doing things when I think people are staring at me.
23. Having stray eyebrow hairs.
24. Sweaty armpits.
25. Feet.
26. Being able to hear people bite their nails.
27. Meeting people for the first time.
28. Feeling left out of conversations.
29. Driving in the most right lane of the highway.
30. Being late.

That's it for now.

I leave tomorrow for Colombia till the 23rd.... much anxiety awaits mee there... yippeee.
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