Jun 21, 2004 15:09
Okay, so here's what you do:
- Find a webpage with an image or article containing one of the following
- Post the link as a comment
- Whoever finds the most links wins
- Post one link per item along with the item number
- If possible, post the actual picture and not just a link
1) A picture of a Rolex showing the time as 2:15
2) A picture of exactly 7 Koala bears
3) A picture of Egon and Winston together
4) A poker hand showing Jack-Jack-10-Ace-Ace
5) A picture of Dilbert without a tie
6) A picture of Brian Mulroney and Jean Chretien standing together
7) A picture of the Lisgar Street poutine truck
8) A pair of scissors without the handle
9) Someone typing on a keyboard that isn't hooked up to a computer or moniter
10) Leonard Nimoy wearing a pink shirt
11) A dog and a kangaroo together
12) A picture of a band member from "Dingoes ate my Baby"
13) A link to download the Star Trek parody of "We Didn't Start the Fire"
14) A green basketball
15) A link to a site to get a mail order bride from Korea
16) A car with Ontario diplomatic liscence plates
17) A piece of paper signed by William Shakespeare (authentic signature)
18) An elephant urinating
19) A box of Ninja Turtles cereal
20) A glow worm that is glowing