George Bush hates black people. This is my motherfucking role model right here. You see this negro, motherfucker straight speak his mind. That's the fucking honest to Sammy davis JR Truth. If you haven't given everything you own to help a dumb ass negro who lived in a city below sea level your a racist. If you still have a house, your a racist. You should give everything you have to the New Orleans people who were already too poor to own a house. The citys income was mostly from drug sales, to drug addicts who are now under 6 feet of water still. But you know why? Because simply put, Drug Addicts and Black people didnt have cars to evacuate. Fuck they didnt even have TVS to know there was a hurricane. The local medicine nigga said it was just raining. So we bbq and made ribs until the levees broke. Fuck.
Fuck White people. I'm out.