Title: Momentary Relief (Escape to the Dreamworld)
coke_pie221 Type: oneshot
Genre: angst? then again. it hardly counts as angst :l
Rating: pg/pg-13
Characters: DBSK, yoochun-pov
Pairings: no pairings for once D:
Summary: A moment of relief in an instant paradise.
Note: Wanted to write. Failed at it. No other explanation. :l
It's midnight, you're walking, and there are no signs of existence on the streets (or in this world- to you, there really is no difference). The streetlights are flickering in the darkness as you walk down the familiar path to your so-called 'home'. Your head is pounding (from the alcohol you think), your throat is raw, and your eyes are bloodshot (but not from crying, never from crying).
It takes a while before you realize you've made the wrong turn and have somehow ended up in a small park near the neighborhood. You've never seen this park before (you haven't made much effort to care) and you wonder whether it was recently built, however, the worn down benches and swing set and whatever else you find in a park with a playground (you never did get to go to the park when you were young) tell you otherwise. You figure it's never too late and make you way over to one of the benches (it's not like there's anyone at home waiting for you to return).
You're tired, but that's nothing special. It isn't your job that makes you so weary (after all, you do love music), and instead, you find that life itself is wearing you out. You realize that there's really nothing in this world that's keeping you back. Your parents abandoned you at the age of 2 (your father was a useless drunk and your mother's job earned her a not so honorable reputation) and you were sent to an orphanage. You never found a reason to befriend the children at the orphanage so you always remained alone. A loner, that's what you were, what you are.
You find it rather surprising that in all the years of your life so far, you haven't attempted anything that could get you thrown in jail. Growing up in a rather dangerous neighborhood (you left- escaped the orphanage when you were 10), you suffered from more than just poverty. But, you suppose it's because you were lazy and never bothered yourself with elaborate plans to take revenge on others that had nothing to do with the reason you were the way you were. Even so, you wonder how you made it so far, how you survived, how you continue to survive. And then, there are times you wish you didn't.
Suicide, you think, may be the easiest solution to rid yourself of these problems but a part of you wants to remain, wants to exist (you were never good at running away). You wish for attention (though you will never admit it out loud), something you've been deprived of since you were a little boy. A part of you questions whether you would even be missed if you were to commit suicide, but deep down, you know the answer, no.
Who would want you? You think bitterly. Definitely not your parents since they didn't seem to hesitate when they left you. They don't care for you. NO ONE cares for you. You silently thumb the outlines of past scars on your arm. Yes, you cut yourself. You were the typical emo teenager; however, you're no longer 17 and in high school, and cutting yourself just doesn't seem to work anymore. Cigarettes and alcohol are now your source of relief.
It's 2 am now, and you can't help but ask yourself when did time (your life) start to rush on by so fast? You're 25, single, and nowhere close to finding that "special someone". Lady Luck just isn't on your side. You merely sigh as you pick yourself up from the bench and head 'home'.
Follow me....
Your vision is blurred and you wonder whether the voice that spoke to you is real at all. The voice is a light breeze that passes by, gentle and mysterious. Two minutes pass as you allow your eyes to adjust to the blinding light. When you open them, you are greeted by trees, tall ones with huge leaves that sway in the wind, and the scent of the ocean. You feel woozy and you decide that maybe all that alcohol finally got to you. Confusion clouds you. Maybe this place is an illusion? Surely, you would have known if you suddenly decided to move to some tropical island overnight.
The voice appears once more, minutes later as you have given up on finding an explanation for this sudden change in surroundings and are now exploring this place. Come to me... You hear it speaking to you and you're suddenly questioning your sanity, however, it's calming and tempting and you can't help but want to follow it, do as it says. Moments later, your feet lead you to a small hut by end of the stretch of sand. You are hesitant but something urges you on, pushes at you until your resolve is no more.
The second you walk through the door of the small hut, you are immediately immersed in warmth. It's an instant feeling; warmth invades your body and you swear you can feel the heat flowing to the tips of your fingers. Once the amazement has gone, you finally take notice of your surroundings. The room is empty save for a few pieces of old furniture (are these antiques?) and some decorative strings of flowers hanging on the walls. There is no proof that any living, breathing creature may have occupied this habitat for the last 20 years or so.
Your breath catches at the next thing you spot. It's a picture frame. There's a family- typical one, a mother and father, and two young boys (they look like they could be twins). You can't seem to figure out why such a plain picture would capture your attention, but it does. It's a picture of a family (the one you never had) smiling together. They look so happy to you, so complete (the way you never were). You push these thoughts to the back of your head as you place the frame back on the desk you where you found it and move to examine another part of this hut (you begin to wonder exactly "small" this hut is).
Three (large) rooms and 20 minutes later, you're back at the entrance of the (now deemed) house and you can't help but feel like you've wasted your time here. Besides a few less than helpful items (most likely ones that would have belonged to the family) here and there, you've found nothing that might even remotely hint at the reason you're here. But you figure, since you're here as it is, why not enjoy the place?
Your walk to the beach takes less than 5 minutes and you're more than pleasantly surprised. This place (island, maybe?) is big and rather deserted and you're pleased by the fact that you can finally relax. The stress of life is slowly releasing you from its clutches and you suppose this can't be all that bad. You've got no smokes on you but you're finding that you don't really need them, which is a miracle seeing as you've been trying to quit but it just didn't seem to work. Somehow, this place is so wonderful and free and it seems too good to be true, but you're here. You don't quite believe it at all, but you're here and that's all that matters for the moment.
The buzzing of an alarm clock sounds in the background and you're awake. Oh. It's 7:30 in the morning and you're still dazed and just slightly confused but you're not the least disappointed because you expected this, were ready for this. You can still remember bits and bits from your escape to paradise (was it really just a dream?) but it's steadily fading away. You get out of your bed with just the slight hints of a forming smile on your face as you prepare yourself for work.
And life starts itself once more.
A/N: Sorry if this was really bad. :l Been failing at writing lately. and life. :P