May 18, 2005 22:33
well today at school i found out that someone told the entire health class about my past life and everything...and it was all very personal to me! but oh well....whats the worst that can happen? the teacher will tell my principal...the principal will confront me and my dad will murder me! that doesn't sound too bad right now! and i'm soo pissed at stephen...after all the shit i did for him he thinks he has the right to blow me off and make me look like a total bitch in front of these girls....and he fucking made me cry! i try not to cry much, but NO!!! he's going to be an asshole and not even care! and then...of course...jack jack was there and he already didn't like stephen and now he wants to kick his ass even more, and so does MJ :) haha, but yea...i got to spend some time with mj, brady, jack jack, ryan, and bj today, so it was pretty cool! and me and brady are still fighting over the bean bag...but you know i'll win! :) :) :) cuz i'm cool like that! haha, but yea, ryan (barbie's boyfriend) was such a sweetie! lol, he saw me all pissed off and crying and he was like awww are you ok? whats wrong and i was like nothing i'm fine! and he's like your not a very good liar and he gave me a big hug! haha, and then mj made me laugh too, he's such a hottie/sweetie/loser! lol, and then lance and cortney and laurnen and hanna and dustin were there and hanna called it cool, she's actually pretty cool! lol, and me and ashley granthem called it cool too! so it seems to be getting a lot better for me! but i'm still pissed at stephen! i fucking LOVE him and he goes and does this shit to me....DAMN! thats just bananas....well it's PAST my bedtime, i'm out! i love ya'll soooo much! and if you were at rosa's tonight, thanks for making it ALL better! and cortney, if you read this...I LOVE YOU! even thou you gay! :) haha, luv ya'll guys, nighty night....and comment....IF YOU'RE COOL!