so happy

May 15, 2005 00:12

Tonight was awesome. Yesterday too for that matter =) Me Matt and Justin got picked up by Bridge (oh shit oh shit she was at our school!) then we came here, hung out and went on the trampoline .. mall - then off to play pool like always =) YEAH BITCH. Got dropped off at Jillian's after and slept over with her and Amanda <3 yes Today we came back to my house got ready n shit then went downtown got yelled at at dunkin donuts cause we were "too picky" hah, took some interesting pictures on the way to the mall.

So sophisticated with your fucking lattes and here i am with my MILK bizatch [ face with sunglasses ] lmao

Uhh, then Tyler Aaron and Zac came over. Kalle had friends over too? Lyssa came .. Nick came .. then Brian and Cards too =) =) yay it was a good night. we had fun. they just all left, and now I'm sitting here trying to figure out whether im tired or not. Still very pissed off though. Grow the fuck up

Now, it's dark as a dungeon down where I've been
And there ain't no way I'm going back again
I've got my best foot forward on to greener grass
'Cause there ain't no future living in the past -

So-long bitches <3
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